Good afternoon! I think summer weather is right around the corner. I’ve been interested, as I drive around, to see how busy the local nurseries and green houses are. It seems with Covid that more people are getting in gardening. This, to me anyways, is an unexpected blessing. I know our own gardens and property have benefitted for the time that’s been forced on us (or Jennifer anyways!) to put more work into them. Blessings are out there for all of us every day, we only need to look for them.
Thoughts on Communion We’ll be having communion again next Sunday as part of our service. You’ll recall the elders have offered to deliver communion elements to anyone who’d like them. We’ve been talking and would like to go one step further. If you’d like me, or any of the other elders to visit and share communion with you in person, in your home, we’d love to offer this opportunity. This form of ministry is allowed under the provincial Stay-At-Home Order and also local by-law restrictions so it’s perfectly legal. If you’re interested let me know and we can set up a visit. May we worship the Lord! Join in Prayer The GBC Prayer Group meets in the side auditorium on TUESDAY AFTERNOONS at 3:30pm. We continue to pray as prompted by God’s Word, intercede for our church family and city, and enjoy the encouragement of God’s presence. Please join us! Thought for the Day: Sharing your faith: Watch (and ask) for opportunities. I always find it so interesting how God brings opportunities for me to share about Him. He really does love to do this, sometimes at the strangest of times! That means I have to keep my eye out so I can see the opportunities when they pop up. I’m going to share two things to watch for, one today, the other Thursday: God’s nudges. Only He knows when someone’s heart is ready to hear about Him. So, if I sense Him nudging my spirit, I know it’s time to say something. For me, His nudges feel like the nervousness I’ve felt before a race or competition, and my heart beats faster. I know I need to say something. It can feel different for different people, though. Sometimes I’ll get that feeling with total strangers or people I’m having a totally different interaction with (think being treated by a physiotherapist!). I suddenly sense God wants me to tell them about what he’s done in my life and what he can do for them. Honestly, these opportunities can be kind of scary times for me, but I’ve seen God open up crazy doors of conversation! So, here’s my encouragement, LOOK for when God nudges, or better yet, PRAY for God to nudge you and watch how he does! In His grip, Pastor Chris
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Pastor Chris"At GBC we're serious about the Bible, serious about the truths that are found in it and living in Him but also like to laugh, cry and experience life together." Archives
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