Good morning. And just like that, it seems like summer is here! What a shift in weather over the course of this month- from snow to high heat. Wow! I know you’ve heard me say it before, but I’m glad God knows and God is in control, since I sure can’t figure this out! May we rest in the Lord not just when it comes to the weather but in all things.
Here’s a chance to support Michael House again! Every year the GBC family participates in the Michael House “Baby Bottle Drive” which usually runs from Mother’s Day to Father’s Day. As with so many things this year, the fundraiser has gone online. So, with that in mind I’d like to share the opportunity for you to again consider supporting this ministry which brings the gospel in such a tangible way through helping at-risk pregnant women and new mothers. If you’re interested, please visit their website here – Michael House – to give to a great cause in our community! Wednesday Prayer Jacob and Karen Ginter host a weekly prayer gathering on Wednesday nights from 7-8pm. Join them as they pray through scripture for this current situation and for all of us. You can connect through Zoom or by phone. Here are the details: GBC Wednesday Night Prayer Time: 7-8pm Join Zoom Meeting Meeting ID: 923 156 764 To join by phone… Dial +1 647 374 4685 Canada and then enter Meeting ID A thought for the day: Feeling confused these days? Focus on the Lord Our enemy, the devil, is the author of confusion. He is a deceiver who seeks to bring confusion and lead many astray. He’s a liar and works hard to make us doubt God’s truth. From the beginning of time, he has lied and twisted God’s word to bring doubt and disbelief. The Bible tells us he seeks to lead the whole world astray. Jesus told us “…there is no truth in him. When he lies, he speaks his native language, for he is a liar and the father of lies.” How do we overcome the confusion the devil would seek to sow in our lives? James 4 tells us: “Submit yourselves, then, to God. Resist the devil, and he will flee from you.” The key to dealing with confusion in these confusing days is not to get caught up in media hype or social media musings but be submitted to God and stay connected to the Bible which is ‘sharper than a double-edged sword’ and will not only never lead us astray but will also help us cut through the fog of confusion. In His grip, Pastor Chris
Have you ever played the game Trouble? You move your colored pegs around a board and try to get them safe. But if someone lands on your piece you’re sent back and have to start over again. It’s an annoyingly fun game but I wonder if some feel like life is like this: you’re moving through life and then something happens (like say Covid?) and you have to start all over again. Trouble, by definition means a problem or difficulty. It’s not hard to understand the meaning intellectually but then when we find ourselves trying to move the pegs of our lives and it comes the reality becomes much harder. There are times we don’t want to play the game of life (don’t get me started on THAT one!) and we’d prefer to stay in bed and pull the covers over our head! Jesus’ disciples had the same sort of experiences themselves. They would get discouraged, doubt, have fear. Many had given up their livelihood, were ostracized by society and so struggled. We read the hope and assurance Jesus offered to them in John 14:1-6. He said to them: "Do not let your hearts be troubled. Trust in God; trust also in me. In my Father's house are many rooms; if it were not so, I would have told you. I am going there to prepare a place for you. As I’ve been looking at our study on joy and the book of Philippians, I’ve been thinking about Heaven which speaks to our final destination. That is a hope that helps through bad days. We who have accepted Jesus as Lord and Savior don’t need to worry regardless of how bad things get. That is the assurance he gave his disciples in this passage and extends to those who are his disciples today. Even more than that, Jesus also said: “And if I go and prepare a place for you, I will come back and take you to be with me that you also may be where I am. You know the way to the place where I am going." We have hope based on the assurance he has not only prepared a place for us but he’s coming again. When he comes back, everything will be made right. But doubt creeps in at times, especially when things get tough. The disciple Thomas doubted; he wasn’t sure. So he asked Jesus: "Lord, we don't know where you are going, so how can we know the way?" Here is perhaps one of the most profound statements of the whole New Testament, but the one that gets those of us who say there is only one way to Heaven into trouble. Jesus answered, "I am the way and the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me.” Jesus himself, great teacher, man of compassion, kind and loving person he was, states categorically if you want to get to Heaven, its only through him. No other way…not by your good deeds…not by being a good person…not by hoping you go…, only through him. But also, be THANKFUL you won’t be measured based on your works, good deeds or faithfulness…most of us would fall WAY short. Again, hope based on the assurance that anyone who calls on the name of the Lord Jesus Christ will be saved. He has gone to prepare a place for us, that’s what Good Friday and Easter are about. Through Jesus death, burial and yes, resurrection, he made this possible. We can take hope from the assurance he gives us. If you lack hope, you lack assurance. Look at your relationship with Jesus. Do you have one? If not, if you’re not sure, then get one. Find someone, or message me and we can make sure you have a hope based on the assurance of Jesus Christ. When that happens, you won’t worry again. Will you be concerned when you look outside and see the reality of our topsy-turvy world? Sure, we all are. But you won’t worry because there’s a room in Heaven waiting for you, all prepared: pillow fluffed, temperature just perfect, fuzzy robe on the bed, awesome view….waiting. Good afternoon! It looks like we’re finally starting to have some real spring weather, it’s just beautiful today! It’s hard not to be joyful on days like this. Still, it’s something we need to work on in trying days like these. While God is the source of our joy, we do need to remember to stay connected to him. Be like the sun today- warm and shining!
Join us on Sunday for Virtual Communion! This Sunday, in addition to continuing my new series: Finding Joy in the Storm and looking at the book of Philippians we’ll also be having a time of communion during the service. We have the opportunity to come together and remember what Jesus did on the cross. So, get your elements together and get ready to remember the Lord in our virtual time of communion. Here are some numbers to use if the call-in quality is poor some Sundays since sometimes the lines just get saturated. Please call one of these, using the same Meeting ID, if you find that the number you’re using provides poor audio quality. +1 778 907 2071 Canada +1 438 809 7799 Canada +1 587 328 1099 Canada +1 647 374 4685 Canada Note: long distance charges will apply if not using a phone plan Virtual Youth Group has moved! As we prepare for a time when we’ll be open and able to meet again, our youth group has begun meeting again on Wednesday nights. This also allows an opportunity for those who are busy in school during the daytime to still stay connected. For much of the lockdown we’ve been meeting on Tuesday and Thursday afternoons but it was time for a shift so have returned to our pre-lockdown day. Going forward we’re looking at virtual events and of course other opportunities to support, encourage and share God’s love through Surge until we can physically meet. Youth@GBC continues to seek to build fellowship and share the good news of the gospel with our students as well as those in the community we know. A thought for the day: Don't rely on yourselves or your own strength to get us through. There's a temptation at times like this to try to handle things in our own strength or own way. Understand this idea often originates with our enemy. The Bible reminds us that the devil will disguise himself as an angel of light. Our enemy will do anything to try to lure us away from truth and away from God. He knows our weaknesses and will try to tempt us in our greatest times of struggle. He wants us to fall for his traps and he’ll take any opportunity to kick us while we’re down. Don’t let him! We read in Matthew 4: “The tempter came to him and said, “If you are the Son of God, tell these stones to become bread.” Jesus answered, “It is written: ‘Man does not live on bread alone, but on every word that comes from the mouth of God.’” How did Jesus fight back? With the Bible! So, don’t do things in your own strength and don’t try to go it alone. Get connected to God and the true power source, don’t allow the enemy to have a foothold especially in trying days like this. In His grip, Pastor Chris Good morning! I hope you had a blessed Victoria Day weekend. I know it was different, I had my plans cancelled as did many others but there were still many blessings to be found it you looked for them. As in any times, not just Covid, much comes down to the choices we make. We have an enemy, the devil, who seeks to get us to miss the blessings and joy to be found it times like this. Read below to learn more about what he does and how to fight back.
There’s Still Time to Connect With a Small Group for our Philippians Series! We kicked off our next round of small groups, now focused on our new teaching series: “Joy in the Storm”. We have the opportunity over the next seven weeks to study along with this using the Discovery Bible Study method. This will not only help you prepare for Sunday but grow in your own understanding and application of what’s being taught. Our last series of joint sessions before we break into individual groups happens TODAY at 2pm and 7pm. So, if you’re interested in participating today, or being part of a group moving forward, please contact Patrick Thornton at [email protected] or 519-835-1005 to get connected. Wednesday Prayer Jacob and Karen Ginter host a weekly prayer gathering on Wednesday nights from 7-8pm. Join them as they pray through scripture for this current situation and for all of us. You can connect through Zoom or by phone. Here are the details: GBC Wednesday Night Prayer Time: 7-8pm Join Zoom Meeting Meeting ID: 923 156 764 To join by phone… Dial +1 647 374 4685 Canada and then enter Meeting ID A thought for the day: The Devil works to consume us in doubt, fear and worry. Satan tries to deceive us into thinking we’re all alone, he want us to doubt God, live in fear and worry about everything going on. He’s crafty. The Bible tells us he is a schemer. He is cunning and evil. He can never be trusted. He is a master manipulator. So not only be aware of this but don’t fall for his schemes. Look to God in times like this and live in the light, seeking to listen to his voice. We read in Genesis 3: “Now the serpent was more crafty than any of the wild animals the Lord God had made. He said to the woman, “Did God really say, ‘You must not eat from any tree in the garden?’” He lied to Eve and Adam and the result is the fallen world we live in today, including Covid. But God doesn’t leave us hanging. Paul wrote: “Put on the full armor of God so that you can take your stand against the devil’s schemes. For our struggle is not against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the authorities, against the powers of this dark world and against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly realms.” Put on the armor of God, resist the devil as Jesus did in the wilderness and he WILL flee. Don’t let him put you in a place of doubt, fear or worry but live triumphantly in God. In His grip, Pastor Chris
Others have experienced much more drastic effects due to the Coronavirus. Many have fought for their lives, and others have succumbed to a difficult death. Families waited anxiously to hear word of a loved one – the loved one inaccessible due to restrictions. Loved ones are mourned at a distance, huddled with immediate family, unable to experience the cathartic effects of a full gathering, the hugs and well-wishes, the honest, open tears, or the words of comfort. Yet others face financial ruin due to this situation, struggling with the inability to pay workers, cover debts, or even continue in business. Yes, my “struggles” are paltry compared to what many in our country and around the world have faced; and continue to face today. With all this in mind, Piper’s reminder that the Coronavirus acts as an instrument of God strikes me as startling and comforting at the same time. Why would God unleash this upon mankind? Why would His will – the will of a Loving God who gave His own Son to redeem all His creation – include something like the Coronavirus? The stark nature of human suffering, the ripple effect of economic shut-down, and confusion and chaos in communities, homes and individual lives; all these cause the mind to reel in the face of God’s willingness to allow this to take place.
But there’s something comforting in that as well. When I look at the over-arching story of God as explained through the Scriptures in the Judeo-Christian tradition, I see how God worked through good and bad, in wonderful and dire situations, providing encouragement and discipline – always working for the good of His people, always conscious of the glory of His name. It’s comforting to see Joseph’s story unfold in Genesis – the first book of the Bible. The downward spiral must have dizzied the young man – leaving his father’s home as the favourite, hurt and humiliated by his brothers, sold into slavery, shipped off to a foreign land, falsely accused of impropriety, unfairly imprisoned, and unappreciated by those he blessed. The litany of suffering staggers the mind. His suffering lasted over a period of years – not just weeks or months. Yet, in the end, God reveals the grand plan, and Joseph himself tells his brothers: “As for you, you meant evil against me, but God meant it for good…” (Genesis 50:20 ESV) God meant this to happen to Joseph and He meant it for good! Piper challenges us to see the good that the Coronavirus spells for us all. And, in all that he writes, the point that struck me most relates to the blessing we find in the warning. The Coronavirus brings into sharp relief the brevity of life. Powerful as we are, learned as we might consider ourselves, resourced beyond the imagination of anyone 100 years ago: we can be felled by a little virus invisible to the human eye. Much of life screeched to a halt in reaction to the threat. Many feared, and continue to fear, for massive loss of life. Systems in place to contend with diseases, accidents, alcohol or drug-related crises, or any other health related complication simply couldn’t handle the wave of those afflicted with Coronavirus in Italy. All protection failed for many as they faced imminent death.
In our everyday life of busy activity, endless work, and leisurely enjoyment, the thought of death slips to the back burner. Out of sight, out of mind. We tend to push aside those thoughts, and, when confronted with the death of a loved one, rush through the formalities as quickly as possible. It’s just so much more pleasant to stroll on the beach than it is to contemplate the brevity of life. But the virus brings things back into focus. Life is brief. We applaud those who work valiantly to develop a vaccine against this virus, we pray for those on the frontlines, we reach out to comfort those most affected. Even as we do so, let us also allow the blessing of the situation sink in. Let us remember that our days are numbered – and that too is good! Do we really want those who exercise evil blatantly to continue without end? Do we really desire those who suffer incurable diseases live distressing lives eternally? Is there not a promise of return to joy, of permanent healing, and of endless glory? Are we not told in the scriptures that Jesus goes ahead to prepare a place for us – one in which no disease, heartache or accident exist? Life is Brief May we allow the Coronavirus to remind us of this. Life is brief. And, comfort of all comforts, the God in whom the Coronavirus finds its origins, this same God sent His Son to die, taking upon Himself the sin and suffering of the world, holding forth the promise of eternal life in purity, wholeness and joy for all who believe. He IS a God of love. And this instrument instructs us, beckons us to turn away from the temporal and focus on the eternal – for the well-being of us all. What many see as being meant for evil is actually for our good. Read Coronavirus and Christ here: Good morning. Snow yesterday?!? I don’t think I’ll say anything more about THAT! I hope you had a blessed weekend. Despite everything going on we have SO much to be thankful for. Not sure what? Take some time counting your blessings, it’ll help your attitude.
Still Time to Connect With a Small Group for our Philippians Series! As we move into our new teaching series: “Joy in the Storm” you have the exciting opportunity to study along with this using the Discovery Bible Study method. This will not only help you prepare for Sunday but grow in your own understanding and application of what’s being taught. There will be two week’s of joint sessions before breaking into individual groups. We have sessions TODAY at 2pm and 7pm. So, if you’re interested in participating, please contact Patrick Thornton at [email protected] or 519-835-1005 to get connected. Wednesday Prayer Jacob and Karen Ginter host a weekly prayer gathering on Wednesday nights from 7-8pm. Join them as they pray through scripture for this current situation and for all of us. You can connect through Zoom or by phone. Here are the details: GBC Wednesday Night Prayer Time: 7-8pm Join Zoom Meeting Meeting ID: 923 156 764 To join by phone… Dial +1 647 374 4685 Canada and then enter Meeting ID A thought for the day: Facing Fears about Finances Some people have been asking me about finances, the markets and such since they know I used to be in this business. There are legitimate financial fears that go with this crisis these days. It has already begun to produce financial havoc on many people as businesses have been closed, the stock markets took a hit and the price of oil even dropped into negative territory. This will have an impact on the underlying economy for months and months to come. We can be thankful that we’ve had a strong underlying economy here in Canada, but it’s certainly going to suffer some shockwaves. We must be prepared to face up to these financial issues. First, we need to be alert to the needs of one another and be willing to share our resources. As a church, so far we’re doing well. We’ll work hard to be good stewards of what you’ve given us to continue the ministry God has called us to. To those who’ve stood with us financially, Thank you!!!! So how do we address our fears about finances? The same way we look at our other fears! We commit them to the Lord. God said this to Joshua: “Be strong and courageous. Do not be afraid; do not be discouraged, for the LORD your God will be with you wherever you go.” God’s with us every step of the way, so be strong and have courage, even with your finances! In His grip, Pastor Chris Good afternoon! I hope you’re making this a great week! Do you find yourself becoming fearful? Read below for some thoughts on overcoming fear. While we see things starting to slowly open again we’ve still got a long way to go. This is where frustration can start to build. Keep looking up, be patient, and we’ll get there.
Small Groups for Philippians Series Starting May 10th to June 28th! Attention all those interested in participating in small groups for 8 weeks, please contact Patrick Thornton at [email protected] or 519-835-1005 As I speak on the letter to the Philippians with the theme of "Finding Joy in the Storm" GBC is continuing with small group ministry for the next 8 weeks, using the Discovery Bible Study method to look at Paul’s letter to the Philippians. We believe that through the Discovery Bible Study method we will · be led to a deeper relationship with, and obedience to, Jesus Christ; and · be equipped to lead friends – those exploring the Christian faith and those already following Christ – into a deeper relationship of love with God and others To know more and participate in an introductory session through Zoom, please contact Patrick Thornton at [email protected] or 519-835-1005 Join us on Sunday! Sunday Jacob will be continuing on from where Patrick and I left off as we finish interacting with 100 Days of Prayer Some have been connecting over the phone and have noted that the call-in quality was poor some Sundays, so a few more numbers have been made available – sometimes the lines just get saturated. So, here are some alternative numbers to call in (using the same Meeting ID as the other number) if you find that the number you’re using provides poor audio quality. +1 778 907 2071 Canada +1 438 809 7799 Canada +1 587 328 1099 Canada +1 647 374 4685 Canada The usual - +1 647 558 0588 Canada – is also still available. A thought for the day: Facing Fears To find peace in trying times we have to face our fears. Fears can be healthy or exaggerated—and sometimes paralyzing. It takes wisdom to admit that there are dangers around us that need to be properly, and fearfully, respected, and it takes wisdom to see through the exaggerations and fear-mongering of those who use the pains of others for their benefit. Let’s be honest, we will not have all the answers we could hope for, nor will we fully anticipate all that’s going to happen in the coming days. That can increase our fear. Yet despite that, all of us must accept the responsibilities we have in our given spheres of influence where we are called upon to serve and to lead. We must seek wisdom and make the very best decisions we can as we all seek to act generously and selflessly, in ways consistent with all that we believe as followers of Jesus. God tells us in Isaiah 41- “So do not fear, for I am with you; do not be dismayed, for I am your God. I will strengthen you and help you; I will uphold you with my righteous right hand.” So, face your fears and let your light shine! In His grip, Pastor Chris Good morning! I hope you’ve taken an opportunity to enjoy some of this beautiful spring weather. What a great reminder that winter does end with the coming of spring. All this will end, we will transition out of it. In the meantime, hang in there and use this time to deepen your reliance on God!
Youth Ministry Surge “Thank You” Project As you may recall, Our youth ministry and leaders wanted to do something to encourage the staff at Norfolk Manor long term care facility which has been particularly hard hit by the Corona Virus. So through our "Surge Outreach Ministry" our youth, leaders and several members of the GBC family baked cookies and treats for the staff at this home. This came from one of the staff there: "Can't thank you enough for all u did to organize that. Incredible kindness for all that were involved. I separated and made up plates for all the staff to take home . They were very pleased that they could enjoy with their families." Jennifer, who organized this for our youth ministry, shared this: "It was such a pleasure to talk to and encourage a group of front line heroes who are working hard to give quality care in these difficult times. Thank you to everyone who participated. You are making a difference!" That's faith in action! May we keep letting our light shine especially in these difficult times. Wednesday Prayer Jacob and Karen Ginter host a weekly prayer gathering on Wednesday nights from 7-8pm. Join them as they pray through scripture for this current situation and for all of us. You can connect through Zoom or by phone. Here are the details: GBC Wednesday Night Prayer Time: 7-8pm Join Zoom Meeting Meeting ID: 923 156 764 To join by phone… Dial +1 647 374 4685 Canada and then enter Meeting ID A thought for the day: Relax and give God your worries in prayer. Do you count your blessings? In times like these, you must continually remind yourself of all God has done in your life. But do you also count your worries? Why would I want to do that, you ask? Often, we just have a general sense of anxiety, but we don’t know what’s causing it. Before you can give God your worries, you need to have a clear idea of what they are. Once you’re aware of them, or better yet have written them down, you can hand them over to God in prayer. Peter says, “Give all your worries and cares to God, for he cares about you” (1 Peter 5:7). You weren’t designed to carry your worries. It’s unnatural. God is big enough and strong enough to handle all your worries. In His grip, Pastor Chris |
Pastor Chris"At GBC we're serious about the Bible, serious about the truths that are found in it and living in Him but also like to laugh, cry and experience life together." Archives
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