Good morning. I hope you’re making this a great week! We’ve had our first substantial snowfall of the year which means Christmas is coming. Tuesday I sent out an advent devotional and Sunday we start our Christmas series. May we all not just enjoy but grow through the season.
Our annual Kid’s Church/Youth Christmas (With lunch!) is next Sunday! One of my favorite Sunday’s of the year is our annual Kid’s Church and Youth Christmas program. The event will feature presentations from each group along the Christmas theme and is followed by a free lunch which all are invited to attend. This is always a popular event and the lunch just adds to it. I hope you’ll mark your calendar and be with us Sunday December 3. GBC December calendar Our December calendar was emailed out and is at the back of the auditorium. There’s lots of ways to be involved, grow and serve. Also, be in prayer for what God is doing in and through here. "You are to give him the name Jesus"...Redemption has come. Join us Sunday We pause our series on the book of Luke to take a closer look at the Christmas story. We will be looking at the prophecies telling of a coming savior and then the event itself with the idea of better understanding what this means for us as we prepare for Christmas and celebrate that redemption has come. This Sunday Pastor Dan will be looking at probably the most famous of the prophecies and its implications for today. If you want to prepare, please read Isaiah 9:1-7. If you can’t make it, you can connect through our website: our YouTube channel as well as Facebook LIVE Thought for the Day: Final thoughts on developing character like Jesus I don’t know about you, but I’ve been challenged personally by what I’ve been sharing about developing positive character traits using Jesus as our guide. Before I begin to share some Christmas related thoughts I have one last one to thought that Jesus showed so often: Humility Jesus had every opportunity and right to demand praise and honour for His miracles and teachings, but He never did. Even when the crowds sought to make Him king, He rushed away from them. He didn’t want to become a sideshow performance that people could enjoy. Rather, He wanted to seek and save the lost and offer forgiveness for sinful people. Yes, He could have traveled around in order to show off His powers in other towns, but He chose not to. As we read in Philippians 2, he humbled himself, became nothing, acting like a servant. Wow! What an example. So, that’s it. That’s what I’d like to share. As for some final thoughts I’d say this: While the world needs more positive role models, what it really needs more of is Jesus—the ultimate role model. People will not find a better person to emulate positive character traits from than Jesus Christ himself. With that in mind though, its important to remember that Jesus was God and so was perfect. While we can learn from him and his example we have to be careful how we measure ourselves against him too. We’ll never be perfect this side of heaven like he was so the key then becomes using him as a guide and being the best possible versions of ourselves we’re capable of being. It’s a tough challenge but a worthy endeavor. Strive! In His grip, Pastor Chris
Good morning! My son Isaiah, who is in the army, is in the middle of doing his parachute course in order to qualify to be a paratrooper. It’s a physically demanding challenge but one that also takes an attention to detail since it is a, literal, life and death situation. But he shared with me the importance of the one packing your parachute since you don’t do it yourself. He explained the level of qualification these highly skilled technicians have and the confidence that can be placed in them as a result. Life can feel like a freefall sometimes but remember God provides the parachute and he’s the one packing it. You can trust him as you take leaps of faith.
Christmas is coming! This coming Sunday is the first Sunday in advent. The Church will be decorated for Christmas and we will be starting our Christmas series and singing Christmas songs. Our service will close with singing "In the Bleak Midwinter" - a lesser-know carol, at least to GBC. Though we do not know the time of year when Jesus was actually born, we do know that Israel, at any time of year, was not the windy, frozen scene the opening stanza of this hymn depicts. Nevertheless, the world was not a friendly place for Jesus even though the thermometer was above freezing. The middle stanzas describe the contrast between the glory of heaven from which Jesus came and the poor reality of the earth He came to save. The final stanza is a commitment that, in recognition of that sacrifice, we will devote ourselves to God. You can listen to the carol at the following link: In The Bleak Midwinter - Holst - Tenebrae conducted by Nigel Short - YouTube Thought for the day: Be patient and self-controlled As we continue to look at some of the character traits of Jesus and how they could apply to our lives I have to confess that the ones I’m looking at today are likely the hardest ones for me personally but have born the most fruit when I’ve gotten them right: patience and self-control Throughout the gospels, Jesus clearly gets portrayed as a very patient man. After all, He was surrounded by disciples who constantly doubted him, Pharisees and Sadducees who continually attacked Him, and large crowds who wouldn’t leave Him alone. Despite all of that, He kept His composure and responded appropriately to every individual. Patience is the ability to see something through to the end, especially something that might be challenging or unpleasant. Patience is a character trait, but also a skill we can work on to improve. I know I am! Related, in a way, is self-control. As I talked about on Sunday, before His ministry was launched, Jesus spent time being tempted by the Devil in the wilderness. Although He was offered food, power, and many other things, Jesus controlled His desires and submitted them all to the will of the Father. Yes, He had desires for food and such, but He had a greater desire to obey the Father and accomplish what He’d set out to do. Self-control is the ability to deny oneself something for a greater objective. We live in a society that encourages us to deny ourselves nothing. This is something we can all grow from and through. Patience and self-control, two difficult but valuable things. Makes sense, doesn’t it? Nothing of value comes without cost. In His grip, Pastor Chris Good morning. I hope you’re making this a great week! While it’s American Thanksgiving its a time for all to pause from the busyness of life, forget Black Friday and meditate on what we’re thankful for. Can you name 5 specific things you’re thankful for right now? It’s a great habit to get in too.
Reminder of baby shower for Leah Lewis this Saturday Please join us for a baby shower for Janet and Kevin Lewis’ new baby, Leah this Saturday (November 25) from 2-3pm. It will be an open house in the side auditorium. Let’s join with this new family and celebrate God’s blessing! ‘The Dawn of Redemption’ A series on the book of Luke. Join us Sunday We continue our fall series on the book of Luke. We are looking carefully at this key book in the months to come as we examine Doctor Luke’s gospel so we may have certainty in what we believe. In this particular series of passages we look at God’s plan to bring salvation to the world. This Sunday I will be looking at the temptation of Jesus by the devil. More than just a powerful story, there is much we can learn as we deal with our own trials. Join us Sunday and find out. If you want to prepare, please read Luke 4:1-13. If you can’t make it, you can connect through our website: our YouTube channel as well as Facebook LIVE Thought for the day: Building Character Takes Commitment I’ve been looking at how to develop character and been using Jesus as a guide. While there are certain elements of character inherited there’s much we can do to develop it as well. It’s not easy and does take work but is so worth it. This thought brings us to our next character trait: commitment. Jesus had no lack of commitment. Wherever He was, or whoever He was with, He was fully in the moment and fully committed to His goals. Despite praying fervently in the garden of Gethsemane to avoid having to bear the cross and all that physical torture, He knew it was the only way to pay for everyone’s sins, so He stayed completely committed to His goal. There were certainly many obstacles during His ministry, but He stayed on track and finished strong. It also takes commitment to live out the next key character trait of Jesus: Forgiveness. One of the most startling things said in the Bible is found in Luke 23:34, when Jesus is on the cross and says: “Father, forgive them, for they know not what they do.” Even while bleeding and experiencing pain, Jesus had His heart set on forgiveness—even forgiving those who put Him there in the first place! This is definitely contrary to the everyday mantra of looking out for number one and obtaining personal justice. Jesus was not concerned for His own life; all He wanted was to provide a way for forgiveness. What an incredible challenge for all of us. Who can you forgive today? That’s how you show character! In His grip, Pastor Chris Good morning! As I mentioned Sunday, I was at the Grey Cup breakfast in Hamilton on Saturday as guest of Athletes in Action. It was a powerful event where a number prayed to receive Jesus as savior. Their theme was ‘your story matters’. I loved that since it’s so true and we can often forget this. Your story matters to God, to me, and to the world around you. So, share what God has done in your life to the world around you and let your light shine.
Oasis@Midweek is tomorrow Our next installment of Oasis@Midweek is tomorrow night. Join us from 6:30pm to 8pm for an Oasis Camp-themed evening of music, games and this week our popular drama which is led by our youth minstry. This event is for kids JK to grade 6 and is not just for those who went to camp but for all who would like to learn how to ‘shine Jesus light’ and be STELLAR. Operation Christmas Child: Thanks GBC! This year we collected 64 boxes which is up from last year. Thanks to all of you who filled a box and shared God’s love in this tangible way. It’s small things like this that often make a big difference. Let’s pray now they are placed in the right hands and the power of the gospel goes forth. Thanks also to Andrea Thornton for continuing as our coordinator! We appreciate your ministry. Thought for the Day: Be a loving servant We’re continuing to look at the character traits of Jesus. Character is what distinguishes, us, its who we are. May we look to be like Jesus in this way. What do I mean? Well, he was a servant Without a doubt, Jesus was the ultimate servant. I’ve been struck anew by this as I watch The Chosen. Although He was praised as a great teacher and even had a decent following, He made sure to teach them to be servants by actually doing it himself. In Mark 10:45 Jesus even tells everyone: “the Son of Man came not to be served but to serve.” Despite having the authority to get anything He wanted, have people praise and pamper him, He did the exact opposite by lowering himself and serving others. What a great example, and challenge for us as we go about our day. As well, he was loving Obviously, Jesus had a love for others. If He didn’t, He wouldn’t be compassionate nor a servant. Jesus claimed that there is no greater love than to die for one of your friends—and He did just that. If anyone doubts His love, all they have to do is look at the cross and see the agony that He bore for our sakes. He experienced that horrible death so that all can be saved. That, very clearly, is true love at its finest. The question I ask myself, then, is who can I love sacrificially? I’d encourage you to do the same thing. And that is what character looks like! In His grip, Pastor Chris Good morning. I hope you’re making this a great week! I hope you get a chance to enjoy this beautiful day. I’m starting a new series of thoughts today on the character of Jesus and what we can learn from them. I hope they challenge you as much as they do me as we journey together the path of discipleship.
From Pastor Dan: for Our Edification: Pastor Dan would strongly encourage you to read this beautiful article which considers how we as members of the church can contribute to a culture of warmly welcoming those who are new: ...and after you've read it, he would challenge you to intentionally meet and welcome someone you haven't yet met this coming Sunday. ‘The Dawn of Redemption’ A series on the book of Luke. Join us Sunday We continue our fall series on the book of Luke. We are looking carefully at this key book in the months to come as we examine Doctor Luke’s gospel so we may have certainty in what we believe. In this particular series of passages we look at God’s plan to bring salvation to the world. This Sunday Pastor Dan will be looking at the baptism of Jesus and genealogy in preparation for the launch of his ministry. What happened and what does this mean for us? Join us Sunday and find out. If you want to prepare, please read Luke 3:21-38. In addition, you can look at Psalm 2 and Isaiah 42:1-9. If you can’t make it, you can connect through our website: our YouTube channel as well as Facebook LIVE Thought for the Day: The Character Traits of Jesus This fall I finally started to watch the popular series “The Chosen”. I have been so impressed by the attention to detail, culture and history they have presented but what has really struck me is their portrayal of Jesus. The actor who plays him does an amazing job in my opinion and I’ve been struck in a new and fresh way just the depth of character of Jesus and how that impacted his followers. The idea of character, and what it means to be a person of character as a follower of Jesus, has been on my mind as a result. So, for the next few weeks we’ll be looking at this thought as I give a brief overview of some of the character traits of Jesus that we all should be looking to emulate. Where do we look when those who we admire fall? Christians, and even many non-Christians, agree that Jesus is a great role model to have. From His faith, perseverance, generosity, and even His intelligence, people see the best qualities that mankind can possess. The Bible teaches everyone to become more like Jesus each and every day, so it’s helpful to learn about some of the character traits he had. Here’s the first one I want to look at: Compassion Jesus never looked away from people; He always looked at them, seeing them for who they were and had compassion on them. We see this in the story of the man with leprosy in Matthew 8. Compassion is an awareness of the suffering of others along with the accompanying desire to do something about it. Whenever people were around him, Jesus understood what their real needs were and sought to address them. For some, physical healing was necessary, for others the root issue was spiritual. In all cases though, Jesus took the time to actually notice that people were hurting—and His compassion drove Him to help them. It takes a person of character to stop, look, and then take the time to show compassion in the distracted and stressful world we live. With this in mind, I’ll leave you with this question: how can you show compassion today and to whom? In His grip, Pastor Chris Good morning. I had the opportunity on Sunday to go with Jennifer to hear my son preach. For those who are newer to GBC, my oldest son is a pastor. It’s an interesting stage in life to see your children spread their wings and soar establishing their own lives and direction. It was a real joy. I wonder if God looks at me the same way in similar moments. As my heavenly father, I suspect he does.
Oasis@Midweek is tomorrow With the freezing rain that happened last week we had to reschedule Oasis@Midweek to tomorrow night. Join us from 6:30pm to 8pm for an Oasis Camp themed evening of music, games and this week a fun craft courtesy of our Kid’s Church team. This event is for kids JK to grade 6 and is not just for those who went to camp but for all who would like to learn how to ‘shine Jesus light’ and be STELLAR. Baby shower for Leah Lewis Please join us for a baby shower for Janet and Kevin Lewis’ new baby, Leah, on Saturday November 25. It will be an open house in the side auditorium from 2 to 3 pm. If you would like to contribute to a group gift, please give your contribution to Andrea Thornton or e-transfer to Andrea’s personal email [email protected] Thought for the Day: How To Be Truly Thankful – Allow God To Use You, Even If It Means That He Will Break You As I wrap up this series of thoughts on being thankful, this may be the hardest one I’ve shared thus far. The best way to be truly thankful is to walk in the center of God’s will and allow him to use you. But here’s the thing- that may mean He will do things that are unpleasant and may even break you of things that He doesn’t want for you. We read this in Isaiah 64:8 “And yet, O LORD, you are our Father. We are the clay, and you are the potter. We all are formed by your hand.” Have you ever seen a potter give up on a piece of wet clay? No, they will continue to shape it until it comes out in the form they desire. But there is a breaking point. Potter’s will give up once the clay is no longer pliable or usable. The point for us today then is don’t allow yourself to dry up. Stay hydrated in the Word of God and connected to him through prayer. God will always use us, the clay, for His purpose. He’s the potter and we don’t get to choose if we turn into a statue, a vase, a jar, or a plate. We can pray that God will use us for His glory, but we don’t necessarily get to choose our path for that glory. Sometimes that glory is seen in our weakness… in our eventual redemption… or even in our battle with disease, with no healing in sight. Your Father is using you for great things, but they are HIS things, and it’s only through His eyes that we can clearly see our place in His masterful plan. Can I get an “amen”? Let’s be thankful for God’s knowledge and purposes, even when we don’t understand it or its not pleasant. That helps me be thankful no matter what, I hope it is for you as well. In His grip, Pastor Chris Good morning. I hope you’re making this a great week! Lest we forget….Saturday is Remembrance Day and I would encourage you to pause at 11am and take a moment to reflect on those who gave their lives to secure the freedom of others. With war in so many places in the world it becomes so much more important to not lose the lessons from our past. Observing Remembrance Day is one of them.
There’s still time to join the Christmas Choir! The Christmas Choir had their first practice on Sunday and it was amazing to see so many of you being part of it. There’s still time to join though!. Here are the details you need from Jamie to be part of this: My thinking is that the choir would sing December 17th and essentially lead worship that Sunday morning with band members accompanying. There would be 5 songs: 3 would be sung with the congregation (essentially leading worship Dec. 17th) and 2 would be performance type pieces. The hope is that some would be 2-part harmony, some would be 4-part harmony. Rehearsals would be Sunday afternoons from 12:15 - 1:45 in the main auditorium. Pack a lunch to eat in the side auditorium following the Sunday morning service. Rehearsal dates are Nov. 5, 12, 19, 26, Dec 10, 15 (Fri night). Please fill out the form below as to whether you plan on being involved in choir this Christmas! ‘The Dawn of Redemption’ A series on the book of Luke. Join us Sunday We continue our fall series on the book of Luke. We are looking carefully at this key book in the months to come as we examine Doctor Luke’s gospel so we may have certainty in what we believe. In this particular series of passages we look at God’s plan to bring salvation to the world. This Sunday Pastor Dan will be looking at the ministry of John the Baptist and what it meant to God’s plan of redemption. What happened and what does this mean for us? Join us Sunday and find out. If you want to prepare, please read Luke 3:1-20. If you can’t make it, you can connect through our website: our YouTube channel as well as Facebook LIVE Thought of the Day: How To Be Truly Thankful – Give Thanks for the Hard Things On Tuesday I shared about being humble before God in order to build a spirit of thankfulness. As I’ve mentioned, I’ve been looking at this in perhaps a different way. Today I’m going to take it up a notch- give thanks when things get hard! James wrote this in the first chapter of his very practical look at living out the Christian faith: “Dear brothers and sisters, when troubles come your way, consider it an opportunity for great joy.” Really? Do you? Do I???? Honestly, this is a struggle for me and not a default position when troubles come. Rather, I try to figure out how to correct or get through the situation. Rarely do I say, “Gee, thanks God for troubles!” So, lets work on this together. Joy isn’t the opposite of trouble, it’s a choice you have despite your trouble. You can choose joy in the middle of a broken family, memories of a painful childhood, or even your own failing health. Through the power of the Holy Spirit, troubles might actually be your bridge to true thankfulness or a spiritual breakthrough that couldn’t come any other way. I know this has been the case in my own experience. Often times we don’t see that until after something is done. This is kind of a ‘theology of hindsight’. What happens here is it gives something to consider the NEXT time trouble comes. So yes, this is a process, much like our spiritual journey. But when we can have this kind of mindset we can then be thankful no matter what. In the meantime, as you go through troubles, the key is to remember whose hands you are in. In His grip, Pastor Chris Good morning! Thanks to all who came out and helped Saturday for our fall work party. A lot got done and it was a fun time together. Thanks also to Darrell and Jonathan for organizing the day and for their overall leadership of the property team. We appreciate how you both let your lights shine!
Oasis@Midweek is tomorrow Our popular children’s ministry event Oasis@Midweek happens again tomorrow. Join us from 6:30pm to 8pm for an Oasis Camp themed evening of music, games and this week a fun craft courtesy of our Kid’s Church team. This event is for kids JK to grade 6 and is not just for those who went to camp but for all who would like to learn how to ‘shine Jesus light’ and be STELLAR. Baby shower for Leah Lewis Please join us for a baby shower for Janet and Kevin Lewis’ new baby, Leah, on Saturday November 25. It will be an open house in the side auditorium from 2 to 3 pm. If you would like to contribute to a group gift, please give your contribution to Andrea Thornton or e-transfer to Andrea’s personal email [email protected] Thought for the Day: How To Be Truly Thankful – Be Humble Towards God Last week I began sharing some thoughts on being thankful. I’d like to look at this through a different lens. God said this in Deuteronomy 32: “Look now; I myself am He! There is no other god but Me! I am the One who kills and gives life; I am the One who wounds and heals; no one can be rescued from My powerful hand!” Yikes! Do you read that verse and cringe a little bit? Do we really believe this? Isn’t God all about love? Yes, He is but this is more about God as LORD, as a sovereign king. Think of it this way: who are we to know better than God? Or how about this: do we honestly think that we could last even one minute on this earth unless it was God’s will for us to remain? Or could we rule the heavens and the earth for 30 seconds (I know I couldn’t)?” That’s kind of discouraging Chris! And what does this have to do with being thankful? Here’s my point: I read recently, “We would choose the things that God chooses if we had the knowledge of God.” Really? Think about it, God’s heart is good because God is good. And God is love. (read 1 John 4:16) He’s weaving us into a grand tapestry, and when he cuts our thread or hides our thread behind others our pride flairs up and we get upset. If we’re honest, like Satan himself, sometimes we think we can do a better job of this “god thing”. We can’t. That makes it pretty hard to be thankful. We are sinful and have selfish motivations. We want our thread to not only remain in the tapestry but for it to be the star of the show. Also, we want our lives to be free of trouble. In times like this we need to remember Paul’s words in Romans 8: “we know that for those who love God all things work together for good, for those who are called according to his purpose.” We would choose the things that God chooses if we had the knowledge of God. And we don’t, so it’s not on us. That should humble us and cause us to walk our day-to-day lives in humility. So, when we come before God in humility, as a sovereign king who is in control of all things, how can we not be thankful? The world isn’t on our shoulders, its on HIS. I’m thankful for that, I hope you are too. In His grip, Pastor Chris Good morning. I hope you’re making this a great week! Welcome to November! If you feel like October flew by and you missed out on opportunities, well, a new month is before you. Seize the moment!
Christmas Choir coming! As was mentioned on Sunday, Jamie is organizing a choir for the Christmas season. Here’s what he’d like shared about this and how to get involved: It is SO exciting to be thinking and planning a choir at GBC! I have spoken with a number of you who are equally excited about the idea of gathering together for a more focused time of singing and praise. My thinking is that the choir would sing December 17th and essentially lead worship that Sunday morning with band members accompanying. There would be 5 songs: 3 would be sung with the congregation (essentially leading worship Dec. 17th) and 2 would be performance type pieces. The hope is that some would be 2-part harmony, some would be 4-part harmony. Rehearsals would be Sunday afternoons from 12:15 - 1:45 in the main auditorium. Pack a lunch to eat in the side auditorium following the Sunday morning service. Rehearsal dates are Nov. 5, 12, 19, 26, Dec 10, 15 (Fri night). Please fill out the form below as to whether you plan on being involved in choir this Christmas! Operation Christmas Child is on Shoeboxes for Operation Christmas Child are still available in the foyer to pick up. Every time you pack a shoebox for a child, they receive the Gospel message at the shoebox distribution party. They also receive an invitation to a 12 week discipleship course where they go deeper into God's Word. You can also pack a box online at Please bring your packed shoeboxes to GBC by Nov 5. For questions, contact Andrea Thornton at [email protected] ‘The Dawn of Redemption’ A series on the book of Luke. Join us Sunday We continue our fall series on the book of Luke. We are looking carefully at this key book in the months to come as we examine Doctor Luke’s gospel so we may have certainty in what we believe. In this particular series of passages we look at God’s plan to bring salvation to the world. This Sunday Pastor Dan will be looking at Jesus experience as a boy in the temple. What happened and what does this mean for us? Join us Sunday and find out. If you want to prepare, please read Luke 2:41-52. If you can’t make it, you can connect through our website: our YouTube channel as well as Facebook LIVE Thought for the day: How To Be Truly Thankful- Some Thoughts on Developing Gratitude as a follower of Jesus We’re a few weeks past our Thanksgiving and Americans will be celebrating it in a few weeks themselves. I’ve been thinking about being thankful since our own Thanksgiving last month where my whole family was able to be together. It was something for years I took for granted but now is very special to me. I was thankful. So, I’d like to share some thoughts on the topic. Here's a question, and perhaps a different way of addressing this issue: do you feel pressured to be thankful as a Christian? Have you ever thought about it? Let me tell you what I mean. There seems to be an almost unspoken pressure in the realm of Christian social media circles to be thankful for each day you have on earth. Instagram captions about thankfulness are in style. Even if you’re not on social media, do you ever feel pressure to be grateful? Have you wondered how to be truly thankful? Are these social media posts genuine or are they faking it? Don’t get me wrong- you SHOULD be thankful. If we get right down to it, we all should be thankful every day. Think about it, we don’t deserve the next breath that we draw apart from the fact that God is gracious enough to give it to us. We do nothing to earn it or the gift of life we’ve been given. So we should be grateful that He has us on this earth to fulfill some important part of His will. But the reality is not every moment, or even every day, is Instagram-worthy. It’s definitely a hard line to find, let alone to walk it. And so, often it’s faked. Have you ever done that? I know I have. The reality is a truly thankful soul is hard to achieve and hard to keep at times. So, over the next few updates I’m going to share some thoughts that might help us find our joy in true Christian gratitude no matter the circumstances and in a consistent manner. In His grip, Pastor Chris |
Pastor Chris"At GBC we're serious about the Bible, serious about the truths that are found in it and living in Him but also like to laugh, cry and experience life together." Archives
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