Good morning. What a beautiful sunny morning after some dreary days. I don’t know about you, but I always find sunny days so encouraging. Speaking of encouraging, thanks to all who came out and let their lights shine as part of the Junction Neighborhood Group pumpkin carving event Sunday. Thanks Andrea for again leading out on this and for your leadership with this group!
Fall GBC property work day this Saturday It’s that time of year again! Our annual fall cleanup led by the Property Team is going to be held this Saturday (November 4) from 9-12. We will be preparing our property and building for winter and doing some general maintenance. No skill necessary, come for 1 hour or 3. November church calendar is here Our November calendar is here (Where DID October go?!?) so you can see all that is going on here plus pray for us as well. You can get copies at the back of the Auditorium or by asking Andrea or I. GBC Men: Join us for IMPACTUS, a conference to help your walk with God. God calls men to live their faith in belief and action. Steadfastness is not being stuck or stubborn. It is not a legalistic approach to faith. It is both being committed to the faith and resolute in the face of challenges. It is unwavering stability, and consistency lived out in lives of humility, deep relationships, and fruitfulness. This is our journey as men. Plan to join other GBC men on Saturday, November 18 as we attend this year's Impactus Men's Conference at Compass Point Bible Church in Burlington (8:45am to 3:45pm) and explore this call to live the adventure together. To register as part of GBC's group, click on the following link. If needed, the passcode for our group is 'GBCMEN'. Register by October 30 to access the discounted rate! The cost per ticket is $55 - but please note that a donor has offered to sponsor complimentary tickets for anyone for whom the cost is a barrier, so please speak to Pastor Dan if you would like to access a complimentary ticket. Baby shower for Leah Lewis Please join us for a baby shower for Janet and Kevin Lewis’ new baby, Leah, on Saturday November 25. It will be an open house in the side auditorium from 2 to 3 pm. If you would like to contribute to a group gift, please give your contribution to Andrea Thornton or e-transfer to Andrea’s personal email [email protected] Thought for the Day: God is preparing us for eternity. On Thursday I shared a bit about having hope. So, what have we learned about living with hope in times like this? We know that God is preparing us for eternity but also helping us each day until that point. When you really understand this truth, it’ll change everything about how you deal with difficulties. God is using everything in your life—the good, the bad, and the ugly—to prepare you for eternity. Peter describes this so powerfully in his first letter: “So be truly glad. There is wonderful joy ahead, even though you must endure many trials for a little while. These trials will show that your faith is genuine. It is being tested as fire tests and purifies gold—though your faith is far more precious than mere gold”. You will certainly have trials in the days and years ahead which is not a happy thought on a sunny day! But wait for it, better days are ahead. 1 Peter 1 reminds us that our trials are temporary. They will pass one day. In the meantime, these trials will help you grow. They’ll test your faith—and strengthen it. You’ll be better because of them and that can give us the hope we need to not only carry on, but let our light shine! I hope this truth encourages you today. In His grip, Pastor Chris
Good morning. I hope you’re making this a great week! We had Oasis@Midweek last night and it was the one where the youth lead. I was thinking about what a blessing it is to be part of something like this. I’m thankful to God to be part of it (and a lot else that is going on here at GBC!). When was the last time you stopped and counted your blessings? It really is a ‘perspective changer’ and I’d encourage you to do it today.
Christmas Choir coming! As was mentioned on Sunday, Jamie is organizing a choir for the Christmas season. Here’s what he’d like shared about this and how to get involved: It is SO exciting to be thinking and planning a choir at GBC! I have spoken with a number of you who are equally excited about the idea of gathering together for a more focused time of singing and praise. My thinking is that the choir would sing December 17th and essentially lead worship that Sunday morning with band members accompanying. There would be 5 songs: 3 would be sung with the congregation (essentially leading worship Dec. 17th) and 2 would be performance type pieces. The hope is that some would be 2-part harmony, some would be 4-part harmony. Rehearsals would be Sunday afternoons from 12:15 - 1:45 in the main auditorium. Pack a lunch to eat in the side auditorium following the Sunday morning service. Rehearsal dates are Nov. 5, 12, 19, 26, Dec 10, 15 (Fri night). Please fill out the form below as to whether you plan on being involved in choir this Christmas! Operation Christmas Child is on Shoeboxes for Operation Christmas Child are still available in the foyer to pick up. Every time you pack a shoebox for a child, they receive the Gospel message at the shoebox distribution party. They also receive an invitation to a 12 week discipleship course where they go deeper into God's Word. You can also pack a box online at Please bring your packed shoeboxes to GBC by Nov 5. For questions, contact Andrea Thornton at [email protected] Remembering the Reformation As we approach October 31st we remember and celebrate the Reformation - a period of tremendous grace through which the Lord began bringing the Western Church back to Biblical faithfulness. Ever wonder what that was all about? Pastor Dan would encourage you to check out this little article (3-4 min read) or the fun 5 minute video in the second link (or both!). Thought for the day: God’s power will protect us. Speaking of hope, we all need it. When you lose hope its pretty hard to carry on. I keep hoping events in the world will change and there would be more optimism. Then Israel gets attacked. Many are struggling and find things hopeless. If this is you, may I suggest a shift in focus. People often ask me, especially when things are unsettled like they are right now, what I think is going to happen in the days ahead. There was a time, maybe back in early 2020 that I thought I had it figured out (I think you know what happened next!). But then reality set in and I had to admit I had no clue. I still don’t. That can lead to a lot of discouragement and distraction. It can also lead to a loss of hope. Yes, during that time, and with many things going on right now, it can cause a struggle. I’ve found since then with all that has and is going on I really need to press in to God. Here’s now how I approach life events: no matter what lies ahead, I can always count on God to help. How do I know? Peter writes in his first letter to the early church: “Through your faith, God is protecting you by his power until you receive this salvation, which is ready to be revealed on the last day for all to see” Here’s the key: By HIS power and through OUR faith, we can always have hope since God is not only working out his purposes and plans but he’s also protecting us as we go through all of this. Sometimes we all feel helpless and powerless, it even happens to pastors. But when God is in your life, he has mighty power to help you. His power is bigger than anything you will face and that gives me a lot of hope. I ‘hope’ it does for you too! In His grip, Pastor Chris Good morning! Okay, I thought there were a lot of things to share last week! Well, today there are even more. There are some amazing opportunities to come together to serve, to grow and to build community. That really is the call of God’s church, to be the conduit for this. I’m so glad I’m part of what God is doing here at GBC and I’m glad you are too.
Outreach opportunity: Pumpkin carving party As part of GBC's outreach to the Junction Neighbourhood, we invite you to join us for a Pumpkin Carving Party on Sunday Oct 29, 1-4 pm at Goldie Park (63 Memorial Cres). Free pumpkins with carving and painting supplies provided! There will be hot chocolate, cider and a free composting workshop. For questions or if you’d like to be part of this, please ask Andrea Thornton at [email protected] Fall GBC property work day coming November 4 It’s that time of year again! Our annual fall cleanup led by the Property Team is going to be held on Saturday November 4. From 9-12, we will be preparing our property and building for winter and doing some general maintenance. No skill necessary, come for 1 hour or 3. GBC Men: Join us for IMPACTUS, a conference to help your walk with God. God calls men to live their faith in belief and action. Steadfastness is not being stuck or stubborn. It is not a legalistic approach to faith. It is both being committed to the faith and resolute in the face of challenges. It is unwavering stability, and consistency lived out in lives of humility, deep relationships, and fruitfulness. This is our journey as men. Plan to join other GBC men on Saturday, November 18 as we attend this year's Impactus Men's Conference at Compass Point Bible Church in Burlington (8:45am to 3:45pm) and explore this call to live the adventure together. To register as part of GBC's group, click on the following link. If needed, the passcode for our group is 'GBCMEN'. Register by October 30 to access the discounted rate! The cost per ticket is $55 - but please note that a donor has offered to sponsor complimentary tickets for anyone for whom the cost is a barrier, so please speak to Pastor Dan if you would like to access a complimentary ticket. Baby shower for Leah Lewis Please join us for a baby shower for Janet and Kevin Lewis’ new baby, Leah, on Saturday November 25. It will be an open house in the side auditorium from 2 to 3 pm. If you would like to contribute to a group gift, please give your contribution to Andrea Thornton or e-transfer to Andrea’s personal email [email protected] Thought for the day: God always treats us with mercy. Last week I shared some thoughts on how God seeks a relationship with us and I hope that was an encouragement. During it I shared a verse from Peter’s first letter to the early church. In that letter Peter goes on to write: “All honor to God, the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ; for it is his boundless mercy that has given us the privilege of being born again so that we are now members of God’s own family”. In his mercy….did you catch that? The more I understand grace the more it amazes me. It’s completely undeserved and unmerited, yes, and it’s based on the spirit of mercy that is part of God’s character. This truth should give us hope even when we blow it (and you will at some point if you haven’t already; I know I have!). When we fail, God doesn’t get mad at us. He always acts with mercy toward us. Why? As a follower of Jesus, you’re covered in his blood and salvation. That’s the truth and hope we have in the cross, that his mercy extends to us even though we deserve his wrath. No matter what’s in store for you, you can rest completely in that truth. In His grip, Pastor Chris Good morning. I hope you’re making this a great week! LOTS of announcements today which shows things are starting to pick up steam. There’s a lot going on and God is moving. Please ready carefully what’s below and then consider where God is calling you to become involved.
Christmas Choir coming! As was mentioned on Sunday, Jamie is organizing a choir for the Christmas season. Here’s what he’d like shared about this and how to get involved: It is SO exciting to be thinking and planning a choir at GBC! I have spoken with a number of you who are equally excited about the idea of gathering together for a more focused time of singing and praise. My thinking is that the choir would sing December 17th and essentially lead worship that Sunday morning with band members accompanying. There would be 5 songs: 3 would be sung with the congregation (essentially leading worship Dec. 17th) and 2 would be performance type pieces. The hope is that some would be 2-part harmony, some would be 4-part harmony. Rehearsals would be Sunday afternoons from 12:15 - 1:45 in the main auditorium. Pack a lunch to eat in the side auditorium following the Sunday morning service. Rehearsal dates are Nov. 5, 12, 19, 26, Dec 10, 15 (Fri night). Please fill out the form below as to whether you plan on being involved in choir this Christmas! Communion this Sunday This Sunday as part of our Sunday service we will again be participating in communion. This is a time to come before the Lord not just as an act of obedience (which is it!) but also to connect with him through the taking of the elements. What a great opportunity this is! So, I would encourage you to start preparing your hearts for this today. Fall GBC property work day coming November 4 It’s that time of year again! Our annual fall cleanup led by the Property Team is going to be held on Saturday November 4. From 9-12, we will be preparing our property and building for winter and doing some general maintenance. No skill necessary, come for 1 hour or 3 hours. ‘The Dawn of Redemption’ A series on the book of Luke. Join us Sunday We continue our fall series on the book of Luke. We are looking carefully at this key book in the months to come as we examine Doctor Luke’s gospel so we may have certainty in what we believe. In this particular series of passages we look at God’s plan to bring salvation to the world. This Sunday I will be looking at Christmas in October! We look at the account of Jesus birth in chapter 2 and the implications of where it happened, how it happened and who witnessed it. What does this mean and what does this mean for us? Join us Sunday and find out. If you want to prepare, please read Luke 2:1-20. If you can’t make it, you can connect through our website: our YouTube channel as well as Facebook LIVE Thought for the day: God chose us before we chose him. We are to be a people of hope as followers of Jesus. No matter what’s going on we should be the most hopeful of people. Not sure that you’re hopeful? Okay, fair question! Why else should we be hopeful despite everything going on around us? How about this? Even with everything happening and even with all the mistakes we sometimes make, God chose us before we chose him. AND he even knew how we’d turn out! Peter tells us, “You were chosen according to the purpose of God the Father and were made a holy people by his Spirit, to obey Jesus Christ and be purified by his blood.”. Long before you chose God, he chose you. Your salvation was his idea. God took the initiative. And you were chosen for his purpose—to make you holy and get you ready for heaven and what you’d do in his name until that time comes. We all know what it’s like to feel chosen—whether you’re chosen for a team, a job, or as a spouse. But the highest honor you will ever receive is this: God has chosen you to spend eternity with him. That’s a big deal and that gives us hope on a cool, overcast day! In His grip, Pastor Chris Good morning! I’m wrapping up my thoughts on bearing fruit today. Thanks to all who shared thoughts and the impact that this series of reflections had on them, I appreciate it! On Thursday I’m going to share some ideas about God and his relationship with us that I’d had of late.
The importance of coming together as a church on Sunday Here’s a short video that encouraged Pastor Dan and he wanted to share with all of you that looks at the importance of gathering on Sundays. Join us for our next Sunday evening potluck and communion time "Do this in remembrance of Me". These of the words Jesus spoke to his followers and call us to do the same through communion. Join with members of the GBC family for our next evening communion service on Sunday, November 5 as we enjoy a potluck meal together at 6pm followed by a time of communion - including scripture, sharing, prayer, singing and the breaking of bread starting at 7pm. Sign up in the foyer so that we know what you will be bringing to the meal. Thought for the day: Closing thoughts on fruit As mentioned above, the last couple of weeks we’ve been looking at the fruit of the Spirit, how to get it and what it looks like. Let’s look at the text, in full, one last time. Paul writes in Galatians 5: “the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, forbearance, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness and self-control. Against such things there is no law. Those who belong to Christ Jesus have crucified the flesh with its passions and desires. Since we live by the Spirit, let us keep in step with the Spirit. Let us not become conceited, provoking and envying each other.” We often will read (or maybe even memorize) the components of the fruit but we don’t often look at the impact of it which we see in the verses that follow. I could write probably a bunch of blogs on this but instead I’m going to encourage you to read it reflectively and talk to God about how this applies to your life. May we all seek to live in this manner and let our lights shine! In His grip, Pastor Chris Good morning. I hope you’re making this a great week! So much for summer! Our reprieve from fall (and coming winter!) is over. There really is a certain inevitability to the seasons. It’s not a matter of ‘if’ but ‘when’. This speaks to what’s in our control and what isn’t. Seek to impact the things that are, and leave the rest to God. Enjoy fall!
‘The Dawn of Redemption’ A series on the book of Luke. Join us Sunday We continue our fall series on the book of Luke. We are looking carefully at this key book in the months to come as we examine Doctor Luke’s gospel so we may have certainty in what we believe. In this particular series of passages we look at God’s plan to bring salvation to the world. This Sunday Pastor Dan will be wrapping up chapter 1 by looking at the birth of John the Baptist and his father Zechariah’s response. What does this mean and what does this mean for us? Join us Sunday and find out. If you want to prepare, please read Luke 1:57-80. If you can’t make it, you can connect through our website: our YouTube channel as well as Facebook LIVE Thought for the day: Growing fruit takes exercise! Paul reminds us in 1 Timothy 4 that we are to train ourselves to be Godly. This means that growing the fruit of the Spirit is like growing a muscle. The muscle is already a part of us but we have to choose to use it if we want to see any growth. We have to exercise faith and believe that we have everything we need for growth. When we exercise our ‘spiritual muscles’ the resulting growth will make us more compassionate, more empathetic, kinder, more joyful, more peaceful, and gentler, with the common strand of love. That’s the Fruit of the Spirit! As we choose to seek to mature, we’ll see evidence of this growth and the impact it makes on others. Here’s an important point though: growing the Fruit of the Spirit relies on the Holy Spirit producing His fruit in us, with the Holy Spirit's power making changes in our lives day by day. Seek, and then work, to BUILD your fruit! In His grip, Pastor Chris Good morning! I hope you had a blessed thanksgiving. For us, we had the whole family together which not that long ago was something I took for granted. Now with wives, fiancées and kids living in different parts of the country that is no longer the case. I was thankful and counted that as a blessing. Regardless of your situation, be sure to take time to give thanks and count your blessings.
Oasis@Midweek is tomorrow Our popular children’s ministry event Oasis@Midweek happens again tomorrow. Join us from 6:30pm to 8pm for an Oasis Camp themed evening of music, games and this week a fun craft courtesy of our Kid’s Church team. This event is for kids JK to grade 6 and is not just for those who went to camp but for all who would like to learn how to ‘shine Jesus light’ and be STELLAR. Thought for the day: Ever think of fruit as a gift from God? Let’s look at this idea of the Fruit of the Spirit in a different way. Because the Holy Spirit is a gift to believers, God gives us the power to live fruitful lives. Christianity is not a rules-based religion (though there are some!). Our growth is not gained based on how much good we do, but it’s an outpouring of a relationship with a living God that forces and encourages us to live better; to aspire to be like Him; to be holy as He is holy. Growing the fruit of the Spirit in our lives is evidence of these internal changes. When we nurture our relationship with God, we have access to the Son, and we water our lives with his Word. When we do that, we grow and are equipped to deal with whatever the world throws at us. How practical! But then again, that’s our God! I hope that is both an encouragement and challenge. Oh, its also something for us to be thankful even though Thanksgiving is now ‘over’! In His grip, Pastor Chris Good morning. I hope you’re making this a great week! Happy Thanksgiving! What are you thankful for? I know I ask this every year (yes, I’m a creature of habit!) but it bears repeating since we live in a society that conditions us to be dissatisfied. We have so much to be thankful for. Can you name some reasons?
‘The Dawn of Redemption’ A series on the book of Luke. Join us Sunday We continue our fall series on the book of Luke. We are looking carefully at this key book in the months to come as we examine Doctor Luke’s gospel so we may have certainty in what we believe. In this particular series of passages we look at God’s plan to bring salvation to the world. This Sunday Pastor Dan will be looking at Mary’s response to the news she would birth the savior of the world in an incredible song known as the ‘Magnificat’. What does this mean and what does this mean for us? Join us Sunday and find out. If you want to prepare, please read Luke 1:39-56. If you can’t make it, you can connect through our website: our YouTube channel as well as Facebook LIVE Thought for the day: Growing fruit takes time We continue to look this week at how to grow fruit in our lives, the Fruit of the Spirit. This is not just a ‘spiritual’ thing but very practical, especially in the trying times we’re in. Growing in fruit means growing as a disciple of Jesus. This is not just about letting your light shine but also helps you to deal with the stress and pressure of our unsettled world. Sound good? Here’s the thing, just like in nature, our spiritual growth takes time. Just like seeds, we must be planted in good soil, nurtured and watered. What this looks like, practically, is a lifelong work of submitting all of our life to God’s authority. We grow in knowledge of God through his Word, and grow our love of God through knowing him and obeying him. We come into spiritual community through our church and grow under the learning of other believers. We step away from old sin tendencies and through the power of Jesus’ strength, learning to walk in obedience. We die to our old selves and put on our new self in Christ Jesus. When we do that, we’ll find ourselves being transformed as the seed bursts forth into fruit. While it takes time (and you all know how patient I am!) it’s so worth it! Happy Thanksgiving! In His grip, Pastor Chris Good morning. Okay, who ordered the return of summer? Enjoy the heat while you can, winter will be here soon enough. I was moved by Pastor Kevin’s report on Royal City Mission Sunday. It’s such a privilege to be able to support what they’re doing.
Thank you to those who are giving to GBC financially! This is often the space where I give an update on our finances or ask for support for our ministry or a special project. I’m not doing that today! Instead, I wanted to say a big THANK YOU to those who have faithfully supported us this past year. It is your generous giving that has not only allowed us to go through this period of pastoral transition financially but also add Jamie (who he and his family have been such a blessing to us!!) to our staff. We are in the process of sponsoring a refugee family AND we continue to do things like support Royal City Mission and Oasis@Midweek. Thank you! We couldn’t do it without you. So, again, thank you for your generosity and may God bless you for your faithfulness. I appreciate you very much, more than I can express (and that’s saying something coming from a preacher!) Thought for the day: Growing fruit takes patience! On Thursday I introduced what the Fruit of the Spirit is and how to get it. Now let’s jump in and try to understand what this means for our journey as followers of Jesus. As with any fruit, we won’t see it and enjoy it right away. We won’t see evidence of the Fruit of the Spirit in our lives the second we surrender our lives to Jesus. Fruit starts from a seed and that seed contains everything for the plant to begin and produce more fruit. In order for a tree to yield fruit it goes through a cycle where it must be planted in good soil, it must be nurtured and it needs to have a light source. After that it must be watered until it reaches maturity. The fruit is initially a seed, then a seedling, then a sprout, until it’s a piece of fruit ripe for picking. What does this mean for our spiritual condition? First comes the planting, which happens when we accept Jesus into our life and then the WAITING for the fruit to grow and then ripen. We’ll look at that process over the next few updates. Until then, be patient and allow God to grow fruit in you in his timing. In His grip, Pastor Chris |
Pastor Chris"At GBC we're serious about the Bible, serious about the truths that are found in it and living in Him but also like to laugh, cry and experience life together." Archives
January 2024
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