Why Small Groups?
The Church has been commissioned by Jesus to intentionally make disciples, teaching them to follow and obey Him (Matt 28:18-20). The early church grew rapidly to three thousand strong at Pentecost (Acts 2:41) but sought to fulfill their commission by meeting in smaller numbers on a regular basis in one-another’s homes (Acts 2:46), where they devoted themselves to the apostles’ teaching (learning & applying God’s Word), fellowship (denotes sharing, togetherness, hospitality), the breaking of bread (c.f. v.46), and prayer
(Acts 2:42).
In our calling to live out the Christian life as members of Christ’s body, the Church is called not just to gather for worship on Sunday mornings, but to live life focused on one-another. Among dozens of "one-another" commands in Scripture, we are all called to love (John 13:34 +16 other times), build up (Rom 14:19), teach and admonish (Col 3:16), care for (1 Cor 12:25), serve (Gal 5:13), forgive (Eph 4:2), bear burdens (Gal 6:2), bear with (Col 3:13), submit to (1 Pet 5:5), comfort (1Thess 4:18), encourage (1Thess 5:11), exhort (Heb 3:13), stir up (provoke/stimulate) to love and good works (Heb 10:24), show hospitality (1 Pet 4:9), pray and confess sin (Jam 5:16), and more – to one another. This is integral to the Christian life, and contributes to Scripture’s understanding of Christians as ‘members of one-another’ – together constituting the body of Christ on Earth – the Church (Rom 12:5, Eph 4:25).
We hope through our small groups ministry to be better able to obey these commands, helping foster a culture of discipleship, love,
unity, and commitment to one-another. Our hope is that this culture will help facilitate GBC’s obedience to Christ’s Great Commission – seeing disciples built-up and growing to Christ-like, multiplying maturity; and to our own mission - to know and enjoy God through the transforming power of Jesus Christ His Son.
(Acts 2:42).
In our calling to live out the Christian life as members of Christ’s body, the Church is called not just to gather for worship on Sunday mornings, but to live life focused on one-another. Among dozens of "one-another" commands in Scripture, we are all called to love (John 13:34 +16 other times), build up (Rom 14:19), teach and admonish (Col 3:16), care for (1 Cor 12:25), serve (Gal 5:13), forgive (Eph 4:2), bear burdens (Gal 6:2), bear with (Col 3:13), submit to (1 Pet 5:5), comfort (1Thess 4:18), encourage (1Thess 5:11), exhort (Heb 3:13), stir up (provoke/stimulate) to love and good works (Heb 10:24), show hospitality (1 Pet 4:9), pray and confess sin (Jam 5:16), and more – to one another. This is integral to the Christian life, and contributes to Scripture’s understanding of Christians as ‘members of one-another’ – together constituting the body of Christ on Earth – the Church (Rom 12:5, Eph 4:25).
We hope through our small groups ministry to be better able to obey these commands, helping foster a culture of discipleship, love,
unity, and commitment to one-another. Our hope is that this culture will help facilitate GBC’s obedience to Christ’s Great Commission – seeing disciples built-up and growing to Christ-like, multiplying maturity; and to our own mission - to know and enjoy God through the transforming power of Jesus Christ His Son.
What do Small Groups at GBC look like?
Most of our small groups meet weekly, and structure meetings around:
- Sermon-based discussions – geared to applying truth into our lives and fostering an atmosphere of gracious, loving accountability in the walk of discipleship.
- Prayer – led by leaders who share honestly, humbly, and transparently, and who care for members, leading to a culture of encouraging, exhorting, and loving one-another.
- Worship – magnifying the Lord’s worth as our good and great Creator, Father, Provider, Lord, and only source of lasting satisfaction.
- Fellowship – fostering community, mutual care, and fun!
Interested in Joining a Small Group?
Please write Pastor Dan (dan@guelphbiblechapel.ca) to inquire about joining one!