Good morning! I hope you’re making this a great week.
With Oasis Camp starting on Monday, and me once again leading Hot Bible Adventures, there will be no updates that’ll come out for the week. Please be in prayer for all of us who are involved in camp throughout the week. Oasis Update/next week Double dose of Oasis updates as we’re only days away from the start! For those not directly involved, I’d encourage you to be in prayer. So, here’s a guide to how you can be praying during the week: Monday to Friday, our day begins at 8am with a leader’s meeting and devotion. Pray for Dan Chapman, our camp director, who leads us here and throughout the week. The kids start to arrive at 8:30am. Pray for the 60+ campers who will descend on the conference grounds. This includes 19 campers who are part of our sponsorship program in the community. Please pray especially for them that they will experience the message that they are priceless to God The morning begins at 9am with opening and at 9:30 the campers move into morning rotations. Please pray for all our station leaders. The list was sent out on Tuesday. We break partway through the morning for a snack. Pray for Linda Fazekas and her team as they provide this snack plus also facilitate our lunch which happens just after noon. In the afternoon we move to the pool, games and craft time. Pray that all would go well and there would be opportunities for the leaders to share the gospel with the campers. At 4pm we have our closing which wraps up at 4:30pm. We have a brief leaders debrief then we head home to begin the cycle all over again. Some general prayer items would be for favorable weather, good interaction with our Covid protocols and cooperation among all involved. It’s going to be an AMAZING week! Join us on Sunday in-person or on our livestream as we look at what it means to be at the Junction This Sunday at 11am we continue our new series on living at junction. Gord Martin, former Executive Director with Vision Ministries and no stranger to us here at GBC, will be speaking, continuing our summer mini speaker series. Remember, you can join us as we gather in-person or you can connect through our website our YouTube channel as well as Facebook LIVE. Summer thoughts to keep you on the journey: Watch out for doubt, fear and worry. While we’re all enjoying a more open summer than the locked-down spring we experienced, there continues to be whispers and warning of a ‘fourth wave’ from some. When you hear something like this it’s easy to get caught up in doubt, fear or worry. Yet in some ways this is an OPEN DOOR of opportunity to share God's love. That's why over the past year plus, as a church family, we responded consistently to the COVID-19 crisis, not by panicking or hiding out of fear, but by seeking to let out lights shine in different and creative ways. Our youth ministry met in smaller groups during the lockdown, our prayer gathering continued in person as did a number of small groups. While we sought to honor and obey public health guidance, we worked within those boundaries to continue to provide ministry. We didn’t worry, doubt or fear (or get angry). We did what we could. It all comes down to attitude! (remember Philippians 2:5??) No matter how frustrating, confusing, or scary this crisis gets, fear doesn't have the final say. 1 John 4:18 says, “There is no fear in love, but perfect love casts out fear.” Our hope is built on the perfect love of Jesus Christ, so we've been called to share that love with the world around us. And that's exactly what we're seeking to do not just through our Outreach Ministry but in everything we do, to be agents of the Good News. God hasn’t told us to stop yet and we won’t! In His grip, Pastor Chris
Good afternoon! Sorry for the delay in getting this out to you. I was really challenged by Mike Stone’s message on Sunday. If you missed it, I’d encourage you to check it out on our YouTube channel.
It’s hard to believe we’re less than a week away from Oasis Camp. Please read the update below; I’m super excited about it! Oasis Update A week from today we will be in Day 2 of Oasis Camp! Anticipation is building and excitement is growing. This year we have a number of new people stepping up into senior leadership roles. Hunter Hamilton is our games director, Anna Preston is our music team leader, Krista Schito is leading afternoon crafts and Mercy Coughey will be leading imagination station. Please pray for these new leaders as they let their light shine in these responsible positions. The rest of the Oasis leadership team is: Dan Chapman, camp director, Karen Fangrad, Kid Vid cinema director, Donna Chapman, community sponsorship coordinator, Jennifer Timm, opening and closing director and myself leading Hot Bible Adventure. We have a number of new group leaders and LITs as well so please be in prayer that all would come together, there would be unity and a sense of God’s presence. The theme for Oasis this year is “Treasured…discovering you’re priceless to God”. What an amazing truth, especially with all the disruptions due to Covid the past year, we get to share! Join in prayer on Wednesday night Our weekly prayer gathering led by Patrick happens at GBC on Wednesdays at 7:30 pm. The focus continues to be on praying for the gospel to reach people in the city of Guelph, but also allowing for specific requests. This week we will be praying specifically for our Oasis camp, leaders and campers coming. Will you join us in praying for them? Summer thoughts to keep you on the journey: Stand strong in God! Watch out for our enemy. The devil will tempt us to rely on ourselves and our own strength to get us through. The Bible reminds us that the devil will disguise himself as an angel of light. Our enemy will do anything to try to lure us away from truth and away from God. He knows our weaknesses and will try to tempt us in our greatest times of struggle. He wants us to fall for his traps and he’ll take any opportunity to kick us while we’re down. Don’t let him! We read in Matthew 4: “The tempter came to him and said, “If you are the Son of God, tell these stones to become bread.” Jesus answered, “It is written: ‘Man does not live on bread alone, but on every word that comes from the mouth of God.’” How did Jesus fight back? With the Bible! So, don’t do things in your own strength and don’t try to go it alone. Get connected to God and the true power source, don’t allow the enemy to have a foothold especially in trying days like these. In His grip, Pastor Chris Good morning! I hope you’re making this a great week. We had a great time praying last night for outreach, or more accurately, listening to what God would say to us about outreach. It was a good reminder to me, especially as a guy whose job it is to talk, to spend sufficient time in quiet, reflective, listening to God. The words of Psalm 46 come to mind: ‘Be still and know that I am God’. I’d encourage us all to spend some time this week being still.
Join us on Sunday in-person or on our livestream as we look at what it means to be at the Junction This Sunday at 11am we continue our new series on living at junction. Mike Stone, who serves as Executive Director with Vision Ministries will be speaking, continuing our summer mini speaker series. Remember, you can join us as we gather in-person or you can connect through our website our YouTube channel as well as Facebook LIVE. Summer thoughts to keep you on the journey: Answering the ‘why?’ question You’ve likely heard this all before, you may even tired of it by now. So please take this as a gentle reminder for this who may still be asking the ‘why?” question these days. This is not just about Covid but a whole of things. There is much uncertainty these days and its natural to ask ‘why’? That’s a healthy thing to do in changing times like these but when this leads to more questions there are a couple of things we can remember as we go through tough times: First off, remember WHOSE you are. Ephesians 2:10 says we are God’s workmanship, created in Christ Jesus to do good works, which God prepared in advance for us to do. So, God isn’t surprised by what’s going on, He’s still in charge and He’s working things out for His glory. As much as it’s nice to know we have purpose, our main purpose is not what we do but who we are in Jesus. Times of testing show this to ourselves and the world around us, it’s part of our witness. As we deal with the inevitable and very real ‘why?’ questions it’s good to remember that a disappointment can be God’s appointment based on what you do with it. He that is in us is greater than he that is in the world (1 John 4:4), He’s working things out. Those classic words of Proverbs 3:5-6 come to mind: trust in the Lord with all your heart, lean not on your own understanding, in everything you do remember He is the King of Kings and He’ll make your path straight. Not easy, but straight, and it’ll lead you to a finish line where once crossed there are no more ‘why’ questions. In His grip, Pastor Chris Good morning! It was nice to hear that a number of you who’ve been part of our livestream congregation were back on Sunday. I look forward to seeing you again in person! I had the opportunity to travel to Alec’s church and hear him preach that day. Proud dad moment!
We’re having a special guest leader at our prayer gathering tomorrow teaching on a new way for us as a church to consider prayer. Details are below. Special night of “Listening Prayer” on Wednesday This Wednesday night at 7:30pm we will be participating in listening prayer. Jake DeBruyn is one of the leaders at New Life Christian Reformed Church in Guelph and will lead us in a session of “Listening Prayer”. What is Listening Prayer? The basic concept is that if we practice some “listening prayer” before we start praying about something, then we can get a sense of how God wants us to pray (Rom. 8:26). Then, being lined up with God we can pray with greater confidence. Bring a pen, paper, and a Bible. We will also ensure that there is time to pray for specific requests you may have. Oasis Camp Update We’re less than two weeks out! The camp is now full and there is a waiting list. Please pray for the campers who will be joining us that they will be open to the message that they are priceless to God as well as praying for the leaders as they prepare. For those who are interested in helping the preparations for camp, there will be a craft prep party on Saturday, July 24th from 8:30am-10:30am here at GBC. If you’re available, come out to help our station leader Krista Schito get ready for our afternoon station. Summer thoughts to keep you on the journey: Feeling confused these days? Focus on the Lord I know, its summer time, we want to relax, take it easy, not think to deep. But let’s be honest, these are confusing times, aren’t they? Things just don’t look like they used to and more and more it seems like that’s not going to change for some time still. Let’s remember though who wants to amplify confusion. Our enemy, the devil, is the author of confusion. He is a deceiver who seeks to bring confusion and lead many astray. He’s a liar and works hard to make us doubt God’s truth. From the beginning of time, he has lied and twisted God’s word to bring doubt and disbelief. The Bible tells us he seeks to lead the whole world astray. Jesus told us “…there is no truth in him. When he lies, he speaks his native language, for he is a liar and the father of lies.” How do we overcome the confusion the devil would seek to sow in our lives? James 4 tells us: “Submit yourselves, then, to God. Resist the devil, and he will flee from you.” The key to dealing with confusion in these confusing days is not to get caught up in media hype or social media musings but be submitted to God and stay connected to the Bible which is ‘sharper than a double-edged sword’ and will not only never lead us astray but will also help us cut through the fog of confusion. In His grip, Pastor Chris Good morning everyone. I hope you’re making this a great week. As we move into Phase 3 of reopening tomorrow I’m excited by the opportunities to do some things I haven’t done for a while. I’m sure many of you are as well! One thing to consider, we’re also open and now will have no capacity limits. We continue to safely operate. While we love that many of you are connecting through out livestream it would be even better to have you back in-person and get reconnected. Hope to see you out soon!
Celebration of Wedding Mark your calendars since we’re having a “Marriage Celebration” for David and Caroline on Saturday August 28 at 7:30 pm at GBC. It’ll be a chance to celebrate their recent wedding and encourage them on their journey ahead. If you’d like to contribute to a group gift towards their furniture, please see Patrick or Andrea Thornton. You can also drop off money at the main office or send an etransfer to Andrea, please email her for details. Join us on Sunday in-person or on our livestream as we start to look at what it means to be at the Junction This Sunday at 11am we’ll start a new series with three guest speakers from Vision Ministries in a row. This Sunday, Doug Loveday, who serves as a pastor to pastor with Vision and is currently the interim pastor at Wallenstein Bible Chapel will be speaking. Remember, you can join us as we gather in-person or you can connect through our website our YouTube channel as well as Facebook LIVE Summer thoughts to keep you on the journey: Struggling with the ‘new normal’? Focus on what’s not changing. While we move into Phase 3 tomorrow and that’s exciting, I don’t know about you, but I find a lot of things are changing these days that may never go back to the way they were. For a long time I just thought: ‘wait it out and things will go back to the way they were’. That was over a year ago and is not likely going to happen. I know, hard to hear for some (me included!). While we’ve seen a lot of things change, I suspect we don’t even know all the changes this pandemic will have on us in the years to come. These are all things we never dreamed of when we started 2020 as a ‘year of 20/20 vision’. Some tell us we need to get used to a ‘new normal’. So, what is it? I don’t know. So then how do I move into this new reality? Be flexible with change and remember what hasn’t changed. The Bible says, “Jesus Christ is the same yesterday and today and forever” (Hebrews 13:8). In the midst of all that’s changing, you can count on that truth. You can also know that God’s love for you has never changed. God’s forgiveness and plan of salvation hasn’t changed. And even in a pandemic, God’s call on your life hasn’t changed. So, don’t let all the changes make you lose sight of everything that is still the same. So, with that in mind, let’s enter into this day with a smile on our face as we look to Almighty God who’s in control. He’s got this. In His grip, Pastor Chris Good afternoon. I’ve been reflecting a bit on our series on James since we finished it on Sunday. I’m happy for how many embraced the idea of living a ‘faith that works’. With Oasis Camp only a few weeks away I’m going to add a weekly ‘Oasis’ update so you know what’s going on, how you can help, and how you can pray.
Oasis Update: OASIS Crafts help needed! This update comes from Krista Schito, who is our afternoon craft leader. Krista is newer to the GBC family and has jumped right into this senior leadership role which is amazing! Please pray for Krista in the weeks leading up to camp as there is a huge amount of preparations to get ready. Here’s what she shares: There are a number of items we need, so we can make the craft station a memorable experience. If anyone has any of these items around the house and wants to donate it we would be super grateful for your support! Here’s the list of what we need. -70 empty plastic water bottles -Corrugated cardboard -Wood boards that are ½” thick and measure from 6-8” x 14-16” You can bring them to Krista on Sundays or else drop them off at the church during the week. Join in prayer on Wednesday night Our weekly prayer gathering led by Patrick will happen again here at GBC on Wednesdays at 7:30 pm. The focus continues to be on praying for the gospel to reach people in the city of Guelph, but also allowing for specific requests. We will gain inspiration from Scripture, examples of people or prayer, and will periodically speak to the obstacles of prayer and how to overcome them. Summer thoughts to keep you on the journey: Faith that Works It was suggested I send out my summary of our series on James from Sunday’s message as my update for further reflection. I liked that idea! If you recall, we were studying the idea of living a faith that works, meaning a faith that is effective for the times we’re in but also one we do something with. Our salvation in Jesus Christ is a gift and so is the new life he gives us. With this in mind, what have we learned during the past few months? James has given us clear instructions in this letter on how to achieve practical holiness and spiritual maturity…his purpose was to touch our consciences and stir our souls. So…STAND with confidence…remember, he who is in your is greater than he in world SERVE with engaged with the world around you SPEAK with what you say in terms of content and audience SUBMIT with contrition…humble yourself before God and HE will lift you up SHARE with concern…your time and treasure then forgive as God has forgiven And most of all pray. Then, when you face trials of all kinds you can consider it pure joy and experience the blessings and crown of life that come with a life living a faith that works. In His grip, Pastor Chris Good rainy morning! Seems like a day to be inside. It’s nice though to see the grass this green still at this point in the summer. Small blessings!
With summer here I’m going to shift the focus on my ‘Thought for the Day’ to reflect this. I’ll be sharing some summer thoughts to help you on the journey. It’s really just the ‘thoughts’ but more one-off than in series form like I’ve done this fall. Hope they give you pause for thought, reflection and prayer. Giving Update As we just passed the half way mark of the year I thought I’d give you an update of the state of our budget. First off, a big thank you to those who have been faithfully giving. Your provision allows us to support ministry in Guelph and around the world, fund our youth ministry which has continued to run and also provides for our livestream which has been vital during the lockdown. Unfortunately, year-to-date we are over $12,000 below our budget in terms of giving. So, if you haven’t given yet this year, or haven’t given in a while, I would appreciate a lot if you would chip in and help. Also, if you are in the position to give more that would be great too. We want to be able to continue to share the good news of the gospel so we need your financial help to do this. You can give through electronic fund transfer to [email protected] you can drop off or mail a check to the office, drop off in the box at the back of the auditorium on Sundays or I’ll even come and pick an offering up from you. Together we can ensure we’re able to have the resources to carry on. Summer Staff Update Most of our summer staff have been on the job now for a month, which is hard to believe. Time does seem to fly, even in summer. In terms of an update, Hunter is doing great in his maintenance roll completing many projects already and is also preparing for his ministry portion and leadership at Oasis Camp. Natalie has been learning and growing in the role of media ministry. She has been creating content which you’ll be starting to see soon. As for Matthew, unfortunately he has had some things come out and found it not possible to continue in the leadership intern role and so has stepped away from his position. Please continue to pray for our staff as they serve us in their roles this summer. Join us on Sunday in-person or on our livestream as we conclude Faith that Works! This Sunday at 11am I will be finishing our series: “Faith that Works”, a look at the book of James. As we conclude I will be looking at the last part of ch.5 and the power and importance of prayer. What a great way to finish! Remember, you can join us as we gather in-person or you can connect through our website our YouTube channel as well as Facebook LIVE Summer thoughts to keep you on the journey: Trust God! I’ve been speaking to a number of people who are struggling with trusting God lately. With everything going on in our country, the continued slow pace of reopening in Ontario and with the world changing, things have been turned upside down. So, this is a fair question. How, then, do we trust God? Solomon, one of the wisest men to ever walk the earth told us to do it like this: “trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your understanding; in all your ways acknowledge him and he will make your paths straight.” (Prov.3:5-6) Notice what he doesn’t say here? He doesn’t say it’ll be easy, we’ll get our own way or even that we’ll have all our questions answered but rather IF we trust him, take the leap of faith, He’ll be with us every step of the way. As the saying goes, He never promised us a smooth flight, just a safe landing. God will catch us when we fall, and He’ll help us soar on wings like eagles (Isaiah 40:31) when we take the leap of faith. It may not look in the end the way you envision, hope for or even need, but he will. So, the question then is: are you ready to leap into your Heavenly Father’s outstretched arms? He’s waiting and He WILL catch you. Trust God. In His grip, Pastor Chris Good afternoon. With Canada Day passed it seems like summer is officially here. As things slow down in terms of activities, meetings and such it’s a great time to recharge the batteries, catch our breath and perhaps connect more deeply with God. Read a book, commit to prayer or do a self-directed study, but use this as an opportunity to deepen your roots.
A new opportunity to pray together There will be a weekly in-person prayer led by Patrick at GBC on Wednesdays at 7:30 pm for the summer. The focus will be on praying for the gospel to reach people in the city of Guelph, but also allow for specific requests. We will gain inspiration from Scripture, examples of people or prayer, and will periodically speak to the obstacles of prayer and how to overcome them. Outreach update If you recall, last month I invited you to participate in a survey about some outreach opportunities that our Outreach Team had come up with. I was very happy with the response rate and even more with some of the great suggestions that were made as well. THANK YOU! I’d like to share with you what, based on your responses, and the team’s discussions, what we see as our areas of opportunity as a church going forward: -Welcoming those who are moving into the new housing in the neighborhood -Hosting an event, or series of events, for the community -Connecting with our local neighborhood association I will explain each more in detail in updates to come but one thing I wanted to remind all of us is this is not where the opportunity we have to share the Good News of the gospel ends. No, we need to pray and seek to find ways to connect with people and share the hope we have in God. These are just elements of this. Are you interested in what we’re doing? We’d love to have you as part of the team. If you’d like to get involved with outreach or have any questions, please let me know. Thought for the day: What is the fruitful Christian life: Pruning I’m finishing off today my thoughts on living a fruitful Christian life. We’ve looked at the fruit of our works and the fruit that comes with perseverance. I have one last thought to share: the Father prunes. I suspect this might be the least popular one! Pruning is never fun but it always has a purpose- to grow more fruit. Our heavenly Father is never nearer to us than when He is pruning us. Sometimes He cuts away the dead wood that might cause trouble, but often He cuts off the living tissue that is robbing us of spiritual vigor. Pruning does not simply mean spiritual surgery that removes what is bad. It can also mean cutting away the good and the better so that we might enjoy the best. Yes, pruning hurts, but it also helps. We may not enjoy it, but we certainly need it. At times the Father also prunes us (the branches) by allowing difficult circumstances and situations in our lives such as poor finances, poor health, misunderstanding and conflict with others, difficult relationships, etc. These trials are designed to bring us to the end of our own strength and will awaken in us a need for deeper surrender to the Lord. Remember, you’re never in better hands than when you are being pruned by the Master. Work with his pruning and watch your fruit grow. In His grip, Pastor Chris Happy Canada Day! It’s been a tough year for Canada in many ways so I would encourage you to pray for our nation. We were once referred to as the ‘Dominion of Canada’ which was a nod to the impact God had on the forming of our nation. We may have forgotten this as a country but God hasn’t forgotten us!
Share GBC with your world As you know, GBC is now active on social media through our Facebook page and YouTube channel. For those who are following us, engaging in content and watching the livestream, thank you! But we’d also like to spread the Good News of peace with God and daily encouragement that comes out to the world around us. So, I would appreciate it if you would consider sharing a post that touches you or better yet inviting your social media friends to check out our livestream or watch our YouTube channel videos. I’ll never be able to reach your friends in the same way but you can. Share posts on your timeline or share our Sunday service. Let’s use the tools of social media to reach the world around us. Join us on Sunday in-person or on our livestream for Faith that Works! This Sunday at 11am I will be continuing our series: “Faith that Works”, a look at the book of James. We’re starting to wrap up so this Sunday I will be looking at the first part of ch.5 and the idea of patience. Oh boy, is this one relevant to me!!! Find out what I learned Sunday as we build together a ‘faith that works’. Remember, you can join us as we gather in-person or you can connect through our website our YouTube channel as well as Facebook LIVE Thought for the Day: What is the fruitful Christian life? Fruitful living by abiding If we read the entire passage in John 15 where Jesus called His followers to be fruitful, He specifically said that the only way they could carry out this task was for them to abide in him. What did he mean by this? Abide means to endure or to wait patiently. The fact that the word “abide” is mentioned eight times in seven verses in John 15 strongly points out how the branch cannot produce its own life, or fruit; it must draw that life from the vine. In other words, it is crucial to abide in Jesus if we are to live a fruitful Christian life. One note, if you’re reading from the New International Version, the word “remain” is used instead of “abide”. It has the same meaning- stick with it. Remain is mentioned eleven times in the NIV in John 15. Do we get the point Jesus is trying to make? After Jesus announced to His disciples that He would be leaving them soon and promising the Holy Spirit to abide with them forever, we now come to the seventh and last of the “I am” statements” “I am the vine”. If you remember, we looked at these earlier in the year. As Jesus spoke to His disciples in the upper room, preparing to leave for the cross, He uses the imagery of a vine to describe the new relationship which His disciples were about to enjoy with Him and with the Father. For those of us in Jesus, we experience the same thing today. Our Lord is the vine; the believers are the branches, and the Father is the vinedresser (gardener) who tends the vine, removing dead branches and pruning them so that they will become even more fruitful. I’d encourage you to reread John 15 today and reflect on this. We live a fruitful Christian life by remaining in Jesus and staying connected to the source of life. Do that and watch your fruit grow! Happy Canada Day! Pastor Chris |
Pastor Chris"At GBC we're serious about the Bible, serious about the truths that are found in it and living in Him but also like to laugh, cry and experience life together." Archives
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