Good morning. The commissioning of Pastor Dan on Sunday was a great celebration. I’m excited for the days to come and what God is going to do. God is on the move here at GBC!
Oasis@Midweek is tomorrow ( this time it really is!) We had to postpone due to the storm last Wednesday so we’re back at it tomorrow night. Oasis@Midweek is for kids JK to grade 6 who invited to join us from 6:30pm to 8pm for an Oasis Camp themed evening of music, games, life lesson and this time our popular drama led by our youth group. O@M is not just for those who went to camp but for all who would like to remember how MONUMENTAL God is and celebrate his awesomeness. Connecting with Pastor Dan Here’s a note from Pastor Dan, who’s going to be spending time early on getting to know us: “Good morning GBC! I was so encouraged by our worship together last Sunday morning. Thank you again so much for your warm and loving welcome. It's been wonderful to see the Lord's hand of blessing on this church in response to your concerted prayer. Praise the Lord! Please don't stop praying! :-) As February rolls around, my hope is to begin serving GBC by getting to know you. Would you shoot me an email at [email protected]? I would love to find a time when we could get together and get better acquainted - and I would especially love it if a warm beverage might be involved. :-) I look forward to hopefully seeing you soon!” - Pastor Dan. Thought for the day: God has secured our future. “I hope I’m good enough for Heaven….I hope God will accept me.” As a pastor I’ve heard things like this a lot over the years. Even after receiving Jesus as their Lord and Savior many worry about whether or not they’re acceptable to God. If you’re a believer, you don’t need to worry about your eternal destiny. It’s secure. No matter what else changes in 2023, your eternity won’t shift a centimeter. The Bible says, “Now we live in the hope of eternal life because Christ rose again from the dead. And God has reserved for his children the priceless gift of eternal life; it is kept in heaven for you, pure and undefiled, beyond the reach of change and decay” Jesus death on the cross secured that for those who believe in him and have surrendered their lives to him. What does this mean in a practical sense? In Jesus, you have a reservation in Heaven that can never be canceled. Inflation, war, political strife, or whatever else 2023 throws at you, won’t be the end of you. For those in Christ, God has written the final chapter of your life—and you win! May that give you a sense of assurance and hope today! In His grip, Pastor Chris
Good morning. I hope you’re making this a great week despite yesterday’s snow storm. Looks like winter is back! It definitely threw a curve ball as we had to reschedule Oasis@Midweek to next Wednesday. God allows things like this to happen, are you ready to adjust, roll with it, and stand strong in your faith when they do?
Commissioning of Pastor Dan this Sunday! This Sunday we will be formally commissioning Pastor Dan into his new role serving here as a pastor at GBC as part of our 10:30am service. While he formally begins on Wednesday he has already been starting to connect with people and settle in. Please come out and join us as we celebrate this great new chapter in the life of our church. Our next pot luck and evening communion service is Sunday night On Sunday we will be having another evening meal and communion service. As has been shared, it’ll be a potluck format beginning at 6:00pm with communion to follow at 7:00. There will be a sign-up sheet in the foyer so we know how many are coming. The theme for this service will be 2 Corinthians 5:21 - For He made Him who knew no sin to be sin for us, that we might become the righteousness of God in Him. May we come together and remember the Lord. Join us on Sunday in-person or on our livestream as continue our winter series, “Firm Foundations”-a study of the book of Romans The foundation of a building is critically important for the stability of the structure that sits on it. In many ways our faith and relationship with God needs the same thing. How is your foundation? This winter we’ll be looking at this idea as we study the book of Romans, perhaps the best book of the New Testament for this kind of thing. This Sunday I will look at what doesn’t give us right standing with God, and what does. Want to prepare? Read the text for Sunday ahead of time: Romans 3:1-22 If you can’t make it you can connect through our website: our YouTube channel as well as Facebook LIVE. Thought for the day: God always treats us with mercy. Tuesday I shared some thoughts on how God seeks a relationship with us and I hope that was an encouragement. During it I shared a verse from Peter’s first letter to the early church. In that letter Peter goes on to write: “All honor to God, the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ; for it is his boundless mercy that has given us the privilege of being born again so that we are now members of God’s own family”. In his mercy….did you catch that? The more I understand grace the more it amazes me. It’s completely undeserved and unmerited, yes, and it’s based on the spirit of mercy that is part of God’s character. This truth should give us hope even when we blow it (and you will at some point in 2023 if you haven’t already; I know I have!), when we fail, God doesn’t get mad at us. He always acts with mercy toward us. Why? As a follower of Jesus, you’re covered in his blood and salvation. That’s the truth and hope we have in the cross- that his mercy extends to us even though we deserve his wrath. No matter what’s in store for you, you can rest completely in that truth. May that give you hope on a cold, snowy Thursday! In His grip, Chris Good morning. I had the opportunity to be at the dedication of my granddaughters Victoria and Octavia Sunday at my son’s church. It was such a joy to be able to be part of this celebration.
Oasis@Midweek is tomorrow Our popular children's ministry event Oasis@Midweek continues for the 2023 season tomorrow night. Kids JK to grade 6 are invited to join us from 6:30pm to 8pm for an Oasis Camp themed evening of music, games, life lesson and this time our popular drama led by our youth group. O@M is not just for those who went to camp but for all who would like to remember how MONUMENTAL God is and celebrate his awesomeness. Life’s Healing Choices small group kicks off Just a reminder that the Small Group gathering focused on Life’s Healing Choices kicks off TONIGHT (Tuesday, January 24) at 7pm. We’ll be meeting at Guelph Bible Chapel. Information on the series is found at GBC Small Groups. If you have any questions, please write [email protected]. Arrive early for the coffee/tea and Timbits! Thought for the day: God chose us before we chose him. I started looking at the issue of hope and where we can find it last week. So why else should we be hopeful in 2023? How about this? Even with everything going on and even with all the mistakes we sometimes make, God chose us before we chose him AND he even knew how we’d turn out! Peter tells us in his letter to the early church, “You were chosen according to the purpose of God the Father and were made a holy people by his Spirit, to obey Jesus Christ and be purified by his blood.”. Long before you chose God, he chose you. Your salvation was his idea. God took the initiative. And you were chosen for his purpose—to make you holy and get you ready for heaven and what you’d do in his name until that time comes. We all know what it’s like to feel chosen—whether you’re chosen for a team, a job, or as a spouse. But the highest honor you will ever receive is this: God has chosen you to spend eternity with him. That’s a big deal and that gives us hope on a grey, overcast day! In His grip, Pastor Chris Good afternoon. I hope you’re making this a great week. So we have another dreary, rainy day today. Not fun! If you find yourself struggling with your mood, why not read Psalm 98 and sing to the Lord a new song?
New small group starting up: Life’s Healing Choices Life's Healing Choices series – a 10 week series (Intro week, 8 Teaching weeks, Wrap-up week) begins on Tuesday, January 24 at 7pm. If you already participate in a Small Group, please speak to your Small Group Facilitator, as some Small Groups may choose to meet at a different time. You do not need to be part of a Small Group to participate in this series. Our time together will consist of worship, a video teaching, discussion and prayer. Please contact Jacob Ginter ([email protected]) if you have any questions. Join us on Sunday in-person or on our livestream as continue our new winter series, “Firm Foundations”-a study of the book of Romans The foundation of a building is critically important for the stability of the structure that sits on it. In many ways our faith and relationship with God needs the same thing. How is your foundation? This winter we’ll be looking at this idea as we study the book of Romans, perhaps the best book of the New Testament for this kind of thing. This Sunday Patrick continues to look at God’s righteousness and his sovereign judgment . Want to prepare? Read the text for Sunday ahead of time: Romans 2:1-3:8 If you can’t make it you can connect through our website: our YouTube channel as well as Facebook LIVE. Thought for the day: Some Reasons to Have Hope in 2023 One of my favorite scenes from the Lord of The Rings movies (if you’ve been around GBC a while you’ll know this) is where a young boy who is being pressed into battle says to the hero Aragorn: “They say it is hopeless”. He replies: “there is always hope!” Is there hope for 2023? There is always hope! It’s a critical question, particularly as we fully enter into this new year. We live in a broken world, a truth that 2022 reminded us of often. Just about everyone had their lives shook up in some way throughout this difficult year that saw not just the trouble of Covid continue but political and economic strife plus a war in Ukraine. I suspect we all struggled with hopelessness at various points of the year. I know I did. Probably some of you are struggling with this right now because so many are enduring challenges we’ve never faced before. That’s why the question, “Is there hope?” is so important for 2023. As we face the challenges and joys of the year ahead, I’ll be sharing with you over the next few weeks some unshakable truths that anchor our hope as Christians. This year, no matter what you’re facing, remind yourself, and any who will listen, of the truth we read in 1 Peter 1- In his great mercy God has given us new birth into a living hope through the resurrection of Jesus Christ from the dead. There is always hope! In His grip, Pastor Chris Good morning. After a couple of days of sun we seem to be back to dreary weather. It really is interesting how weather can reflect life. So the question then becomes- how do I navigate this reality. Just as the sun is there above the clouds, the SON is there within the clouds of our lives. Look for him!
Saturday Night Supper Update Here’s a report from last weekend’s Saturday Night Supper from our coordinator Carroll Chapman: “It was a very cold night and numbers were a little down from normal, but we were privileged to serve 87 people a meal of chili, caesar salad, dinner rolls, oranges and butter tarts. 3 GBC people stayed to serve alongside Royal City Mission's regular volunteers. A very big thank you to the 15 GBC volunteers who purchased and prepped food, or who donated funds to support this vital ministry partnership.” Thanks all who were part of this and thanks Carroll for leading this practical, outreach ministry. Join us for our next pot luck and evening communion service On Sunday January 29 we will be having another evening meal and communion service. It’ll be a potluck format beginning at 6:00pm with communion to follow at 7:00. There will be a sign-up sheet in the foyer so we know how many are coming. The theme for this service will be 2 Corinthians 5:21 - For He made Him who knew no sin to be sin for us, that we might become the righteousness of God in Him. May we come together and remember the Lord. Thought for the day: A different way of looking at rest I’ve been looking at the idea of finding resolve in our lives the last couple of updates. This one is not always evident in something that seems to be action oriented: Rest New Year’s should be a time to rest. First, we rest in the reality of our identity in Jesus. We may have failed to meet our heady goals in 2022 for a variety of reasons but Jesus still loves us, despite our failures, unchecked boxes, and disappointment at the scale. The gospel tells us that he loves us in the midst of these. It’s not the voice of your Savior, but the whisper of the enemy that says you have less worth because you blew your resolutions. A “more successful 2023” will not make Jesus love you any more. He’s the one, after all, who calls broken sinners and empowers them for his mission. Failed apostles, former persecutors, recovering Pharisees—his church is full of them. Second, we should plan to physically rest. We don’t often do this on New Year’s. We plan to work and hustle (I know I do!). But do we schedule time to reflect and acknowledge our need for sleep and leisure? Rest isn’t a sign of laziness or weakness; it’s a sign of spiritual strength and confidence that when we close our eyes, our lives are in the grip of a sovereign God. To sleep is to say that we’re not God and that the world can go on without us. This is something I’m trying a lot harder to get better at! So, as we make our plans, let’s remember that even in our failures, we serve the one who remembers our frame and knows we are dust at is says in Psalm 103. We make plans, but we hold them lightly. We entrust our future, not to our Apple Watch or Google Calendar or a reading list, but to the King who holds the world in his hands. In His grip, Pastor Chris Good afternoon. And just like that, all the snow is gone! I’ve been reading over the responses to Dan’s question sheet he gave us on New Year’s Day. There are some powerful things that people experienced this past year and also inspiring things being anticipated. Thanks to those who participated in this, it was both encouraging and moving for me. God is moving here, it’s great to be part of it!
Oasis@Midweek starts again tomorrow Our popular children's ministry event Oasis@Midweek resumes for the 2023 season tomorrow night. Kids JK to grade 6 are invited to join us from 6:30pm to 8pm for an Oasis Camp themed evening of music, games, life lesson and this time a craft led by our Kid’s Church team. O@M is not just for those who went to camp but for all who would like to remember how MONUMENTAL God is and celebrate his awesomeness. Thought for the day: Repent…it has an impact you might not expect! You may recall, last week I started looking at some ways to put more ‘resolution’ into our journey in 2023. Resolution only means to resolve, or be purposeful about what you do. Here is the second ‘tip’ or thought on how to do that. 2. Repent I think the first one, ‘remember’, is probably a lot easier than this one because it really does call for a choice, and often some form of loss. Our worship of God for his faithfulness, grace and majesty should lead us to repentance. His goodness breaks us in fresh ways as our sin is exposed by the light of his glory. But this isn’t a morbidly introspective, navel-gazing exercise. To repent is to rejoice. Have you ever thought of it that way? We have the opportunity to CLAIM the promise of 1 John 1:9-if we confess our sins God is faithful and will forgive our sins and purify us from all unrighteousness. Why? Because we know our forgiveness has already been purchased at the cross. Beginning the new year with repentance is to draw closer to Jesus, to appropriate the fresh grace that is ours in him. This is why confession always brings relief and joy. It’s the gateway to greater intimacy with God. How can we begin new plans and journeys in 2023 without first allowing his light to penetrate the darkness of our hearts and to reveal areas in need of growth? How can we start working, grinding and dreaming without first renewing our joy in the One who directs our steps? It’s a great way to start the day, the week, the month and yes, the year! In His grip, Pastor Chris Happy New Year! I hope you had a blessed and happy Christmas and the New Year is off to a great start. Mine was pretty amazing and I enjoyed every part of it but now I’m excited to get going and see what God has in store for 2023. Not surprising likely is that I’ll be sharing some thoughts on resolutions today.
Precept Bible Studies this winter: Our Precept Bible studies are back for the winter and ready to do. Here is what’s being offered: Winter Precept Inductive Studies Luke Part 2 - 9:30 am Thursday January 19 in person ladies Hebrews Part 1 - 7:00 pm Wednesday January 18 online Hebrews Part 1 - 9:30 am Thursday January 19 online If you’d like more information please connect with Ann Clark or email at [email protected] Thought for the day: New Year’s Resolutions And so we have begun a brand new year. 2022 was pretty amazing for me in so many ways though it started off pretty tough. Remember how we went back to a Covid lockdown at this point last January? Things got much better after that though. It’s good to look back and remember. For many, New Year’s is just another holiday. For others like me it’s a time of deep reflection, both on the past year and on the one ahead. For followers of Jesus, New Year’s has no unique significance. There’s no central biblical narrative informing our celebrations. But this doesn’t mean Christians shouldn’t pause and reflect on the turning of the calendar. Moses asked God: “Teach us to number our days, so we may get a heart of wisdom”. Time—seconds, minutes, hours, days, weeks, months, years, is a gift to us from a good God. To wisely follow him, then, is to redeem our time. New Year’s can also remind us of the opportunity for new life. Each day with Jesus is a chance to turn the page on an old way of life and embrace a new one. We are, after all, new creation people, and we serve a King who renews us daily by the Holy Spirit. Setting goals for a new year are an important sign that we’re intentional about glorifying God in our callings whether that is at work or in school, at home or at church. Before we write out our goals, we should begin in the heart. The temptation for Christians is to make our plans and add a splash of Jesus on top, rather than allowing him to form in us the desires and motivations to do his work. Whether or not we’re making concrete goals or more abstract ones, whether you’re writing down resolutions or foregoing them altogether, over the next several updates I’m going to share some steps we can take, as we move triumphantly through 2023, to draw closer to Jesus. In His grip, Pastor Chris |
Pastor Chris"At GBC we're serious about the Bible, serious about the truths that are found in it and living in Him but also like to laugh, cry and experience life together." Archives
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