Our Mission at Guelph Bible Chapel is to know and enjoy God through the transforming power of Jesus Christ His Son
Our Values
Stand On Scripture
We stand on the truth of the Bible – divinely inspired, inerrant, and infallible – as the basis for all that we do and teach. We commit to the words of Holy Scripture as our final authority in all matters on which it affirms, obey it as God’s command in all that it asks, and cling to it as God’s pledge in all that it promises.
Pursue God's Presence
Unless the Lord builds we labour in vain, for apart from Jesus we can do nothing of eternal value. Convinced of these truths, we as a church commit to pursuing God’s presence and power through His Holy Spirit in all our efforts to serve and glorify Him. We pursue Him through obedience to His Word, fervent prayer, and passionate worship – both individually and corporately.
Love Others Lavishly
Rooted in the life and grace that flow from Christ’s finished work, we commit as dearly beloved children of God to love one another wholeheartedly and sacrificially. We desire to build a culture of warm welcome, genuine affection, true forgiveness, humble service, intentional care, heartfelt encouragement, and mutual submission. A culture of love and grace that increasingly reflects Jesus’ gospel and heart for us.
Disciple With Diligence
Standing on the extravagant grace which is ours in Christ, we desire to be a community of grace. We thus commit to warm and loving welcome for all sinners, and to the grace-filled pursuit of ongoing growth in holiness, godliness, and obedience through lives of intentional discipleship. Our ambition is to grow into maturity – attaining to the whole measure of the fullness of Christ.
Evangelize With Expectation
Jesus calls His Church a ‘city on a hill’ – shining brightly with His light for the advance of His gospel. We thus commit to lives of bold outreach, exhorting one another to intentional witness dependent on God’s Spirit. We do this expectantly – asking God in mercy to draw those around us to the hope and life made available in Christ for all repentant sinners.